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The Ballad Of Sword Guy

In addition to being shredded five or six at a time, the doomed creeps in For Honor also have informative barks that they kick out - like, if your friend is perforated. It's nice to have a second or two to process the fact that it's about to be 4v1 and you are not on the "four" side of the V.

Miniature Horses

If Gabe is playing a game at home and then decides to play it at the office, there's usually a point at which you need to make absolutely certain the save has been copied up into the cloud from his PS4. And then you need to make sure that you've copied it back up after you play, which doesn't, you know… always happen. Since last Friday, he's been playing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on his Switch, and then… just bringing in the Switch. Like, the whole thing. It's still kind of a weird idea even though I've seen it happen multiple times. Obviously playing while in transit to and from isn't a great strategy. Y'know. Don't do that.

Zelda: Breath of the Wild

I was able to pick up a Switch on Friday although I probably made it harder than it needed to be. I showed up at my local Fred Meyer around 5:30 in the morning and stood in the cold and the rain until they opened at 7am. Later that day a bunch of folks from the office went over to the local Amazon store and just walked right in and bought Switches. Of course if I had done that, I wouldn’t have this awesome cold I caught. Looks like I might be patient zero at PAX East this week!


For the Watch!

You might have heard that another “For the Watch” is in the works. This time we’re playing For Honor and I intend to maintain my history of success. Before I get into my team of murderers, I want to say a special thank you to the folks at Twitch Prime who sponsored this event. You might have noticed that we’ve been doing a lot more Twitch stuff recently. Someone is streaming from the PA office pretty much every day of the week now. I play games with Tycho on there but I also draw the comic strip live every Tuesday. I’ve really enjoyed drawing on Twitch and chatting with folks in the chat. Twitch Prime is actually a pretty slick deal and you can hear all about it over on their site. We’ve gotten a ton of incredible support for a bunch of our projects from the folks at Twitch Prime. I’m incredibly proud to have them as a sponsor and I hope you’ll take a minute to see what they’re offering.


A midnight launch was not attended, let's get that out of the way. I have every faith that I would turn into a pumpkin, just like in the old story, where a man is too old and tries to hang with feral-ass youths. How real do you motherfuckers wanna get? I'm typing this post on my phone in the parking lot of Best Buy. Mr. Gribs got up at fuck o'clock and has hardware in his possession; everywhere I've been has only power supplies and grey Joy-Cons, storm-toss'd flotsam in the ravenous wake of the Switch.


Dusk City Outlaws

I have a whole new appreciation for the art of game design after watching Rodney Thompson and Mike Selinker inspect and construct Thornwatch. I knew I had a cool idea and some genuinely new mechanics but I had hit a wall. Rodney came in and looked at what I had done and saw all the little problems, but more importantly he saw what I wanted the game to do. He cut out old rules that only hurt that game and built new rules to support the Thornwatch I wanted. When Rodney isn't working at Bungie or helping me design Thornwatch, it turns out he is making his own game! Tycho and I actually played the game, and we both loved it. It's true! You can watch the video of it for yourself:


You'll be playing Horizon: Zero Dawn soon enough here, but since you need to manufacture practically every shot you fire from your weapons, it might be worth keeping an eye on what you're putting out. Sony's had fairly strenuous limitations on streaming the product, much more strenuous than you might think for a game whose reviews came out a week ago and are all incredible. I asked them, actually, because I wanted to stream it last Wednesday with Mr. Gribbz. Alas; there are authentic mysteries here, most people still don't know much about the game, and they want to safeguard that for as many people as possible


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Horizon: Zero Dawn comes out on the 28th here in the States, and March 1st in Europe. My feeling is that you should buy it.

Update On That Stolen PS4 in New Zealand

A torrent of generosity from the Internet washed the whole situation away, essentially - but there was an opportunity to make a lasting improvement to their Play Therapy department by supporting the playrooms and stock a new teen room they'd planned. Travis over at Child's Play did a write up that includes the overwhelemed response from the hospital; you can find it all here.

Return Of The Jeed

I like Star Wars, not as much as some but I do like it; there's always new words in there for me to learn. "The Last Jedi," as a piece of nomenclature in English, has a lot of potential weight and finality to it because of how "the" works. "The" abuts singular or plural nouns, and Jedi can refer to one or more completely mad star wizards. It is ambiguity adorned with uncertain, enigmatic fixin's; you're getting it coming and going.