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You might have heard - either from me, or my dastardly opposite number Grobriel - that, having made the watch from the strip for reals, we immediately felt compelled to battle for it. Primed by years upon years of gruesome comic imagery we warred for days without ceasing on the lip of an active volcano until we realized we could not finish the other. It was then that we chose our allies, and the shape our conflict would take.

To Be Or Not To Be (Here)

It's been so interesting to watch the Gear VR become a daily use device for Monsieur Greebs. He talked about it a little while ago, and it's still true. He talks to me as much about his face-phone as he does about the other games he's playing. Sure, occasionally he disappears or whatever, but maybe he's just watching a 3D version of The Martian while sitting on the moon. Which is a real thing he did.

Overwatch for the Watch!

You might have heard that Tycho and I will be battling each other in Overwatch at PAX East in just a couple weeks. If you haven’t heard about that then check out this page with all the details. Essentially we have each built a team of friends and we will be going head to head. The winner will get the Watch. That’s right, we actually made the watch and it’s going to start going back and forth between the real Gabe and Tycho. Or actually it might just stay with me, since I intend to win these whenever they pop up.



Internally, we refer to Quantum Break as Quorntum Brork. You can use that if you want. Consider the sentence before this sentence to be a license in perpetuity. I would have played more Quorntum Brork, but I spent the first half of this week filming something you don't even know exists. It'll be nice when PAX East rolls through, and all the stuff I'm spending every second of every day on can emerge blinkingly into the light. One thing that's been months coming, and another one you could honestly say years. I remembered about Acquisitions Incorporated last year, pledged to take it seriously, and I haven't forgotten.

No Moles Were Harmed

Hi. Ok. I’m posting on the front page of Penny Arcade. Cool. No big deal. I can just write some stuff and everything will be fine, right? If I hurry up and finish writing this, I can even—maybe—start breathing again.



I definitely, one hundred percent do not like therapists. I maintain a lot of really complicated illusions pretty much constantly, and I try to limit my exposure to the cleansing rays they emit. I legitimately don't like the feeling that I can be known, which I will admit is a strange position to hold for someone who tries hard, at least three times a week, to be understood. The difference is that I want you to. I don't want to be mentally flensed by some Goddamned illithid. And I double don't want to be assessed by proxy because Gabriel's default move - the one at the top of his menu stackl - is "tell people secrets so they will like him."


I have a thing I do with my brow when I don't believe something Gabriel has said. In a given day, I'm usually given many opportunities to perform this maneuver. Indeed, occasionally I'm still doing it when he says something else I can't endorse, which saves time in the transition.

Quick Work

I haven't had time to see Batman Vs. Superman: Grim Suffix, because I have to constantly be regurgitating a slurry of masticated leaves into my larvae's leaf holes. And also because going somewhere, even for like three fucking hours, is a logistical challenge on par with the founding of a Phobos colony. Plus, you know. The Division.



A thousand years ago, Greazy-E and I used to frequent a weird-ass videogame store the name of which I cannot entirely remember, other than its fervent suggestion that their domain constituted some kind of zone. Or club? In any case.

PAX Dev Badges On Sale

By Tycho – March 30, 2016

August 31st through September first, right before the convention now known as PAX West, there is a mystical land called PAX Dev. In our climate controlled press-free environment, you can collaborate with friends and former enemies right before the big show. Tickets are available here, and if you've got an idea for a talk it can be submitted here; the deadline for such submissions is June 3rd.

Universal Constant

Clash Royale, a game from the Clash of Clans people, is really good even though I wanted it to be dumb so I could do something else. There's a lot to see out there right now. Like, a lot. Some of it is inside magic cyber glasses. But it's not dumb, it's a really smart active tower defence kinda thing and it's buffed to a gleam. It's way easy to beat your son, too, if you are deeply immoral.