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A note, which is secondary to the topic of the strip: something is happening with this motherfucker's art. The panels look like they're about an inch deep apiece, and I feel like if I tilted my head to left or right a little bit, I could see behind the characters. I don't know anything about art in general, but I know about his art, and the way he perceives space has been altered.

Anki Overdrive

I got the Anki starter set last Christmas “for my kids” and we’ve had a lot of fun with it over the last year. I saw that the expansion was set to come out and made a tweet to my wife suggesting she get it for me for my Birthday. Then a big box of it showed up at my house a couple days before release. It seems the Anki folks saw my tweet and found out where I lived.

Maximum Wax

The office I share with Gabrickle always manifests certain properties, certain ratios, which are designed to retain a configuration we have deemed holy. At every turn we have endeavored to replicate Apartment 26 on the off-chance that it was the apartment that was responsible for all of this and not something we did. There is a couch and our desks and a television arranged in accordance with the mysterious weft of the universe.

Ethical Sourcing

For a long time, you could make the case that - no matter the role - that Nolan North was basically playing Nolan North. Because this is the Internet, I have to append this suffix; I'm not even saying this is a bad thing. I like Nolan North. I mean, I don't know him, but I like his whole thing. Nolan North as the Ghost in Destiny though is a sometimes energetic, sometimes fragile, always a little nervous thing. It's great. He also has the best line in the new Destiny, at least from my perspective.


Taken King Comics

Are you playing the Taken King? Do you like the new sub-classes? Then check out these comics we did for each of the new roles!

Top Of The Morn

Eris Morn is basically spooky high school lunchroom girl, but in space. She has a perfectly good reason for being sad, but still. She's kind of a Debbie Downer. I wouldn't change her at all; I love her. She has to be there. In the new Pantheon they've developed, she's the Keeper of the Weird. Now that they've allowed Story to sit at the big kids table along with the Shoot Shoots and Mr. Melee, questgivers have been unfolded in three dimensions. Inflated, if you will. There was a Destiny before, but it was not this Destiny.



We don't actually get to pick the games that we play for the First 15. This means that sometimes we end up playing some real stinkers. It also means that occasionally we discover an awesome game that neither of us ever would have picked up on our own. That's the case with today's episode.

Wild Card

I can remember trying to get Gabriel to try Forza 5, hoping it might give him something to use on the system at all, but the launch was rough in general and eventually the whole box ended up in the closet. It would emerge for a season, groundhog-like, and then return chastened to its hole.

Forza 6

I have tried a few Forza games over the years but never really got into any of them. I don’t think I've done more than a handful of races across all the previous Forza games. By contrast, I got a review copy of Forza 6 last Tuesday from MS and I have already put 22 hours into it. So what happened?


Apple was always a cult, but now it's a cult based on a cult. The revelation has been attenuated, interpreted, made progressively less divine until you see a presentation like the one they gave the other day.


PA Scholarship Entries Due By Sep. 17th

Hey! We have a Scholarship, which is how you know that we are the real deal and wholly dedicated to legitimate stuff. Here's an index of just how real: if you don't send in your shit by September 17th, you can't have the scholarship. That's what's up. I mean, you might not get it, even if you did send it in. We only have the one per year, which is why I examine these entries with incredible care. But if you need school moneys, and aim to positively impact the game industry with your education, well, I know a guy.


Hopefully Gabriel will deal with his dumb work or whatever so we can play Armello again in the afternoon. His aesthetic and the game's aesthetic are at odds, maybe, but it all kinda works too. I had a profoundly frustrating game myself last night, testing out some stuff with River, who is an archer wolf lady that can fire shots into battle before fights start. There are dice, which means randomness, which for some is a deal breaker; but you can make a bulwark against randomness by expanding your hand size a little. I tried, and failed, to penetrate the castle's defenses for four consecutive turns, utterly ready to win, and on six dice I never got the one symbol I needed. It taught me something pretty serious, which is that if I want to win, hoping to win isn't sufficient. I can curate my hand until I have a bounty of symbols and then make a play. I have no idea what I was fucking thinking.

The Twain

Gabriel is enjoying Star Wars: Aftermath, at least, this is what I've been told. Generally I take it upon myself to tell him whether or not he likes something, based on what is appropriate to like. Imagine a sign like they have at a carnival, you must be this tall to ride this ride, except instead of vertical height it measures the density and efficiency of your synapses.