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Getting Sticky with it!

I’ve got to say not being on Twitter has been very refreshing. It’s true I’m still posting artwork over on my Instagram but the vibe there is so different. Instead of being flooded with spicy hot takes, I just see a feed of art and inspiration from creators I like. 



Le Comp

We've been playing Lethal Company in various configurations, one of which being a four person crew entirely composed of Krahuliks. My daughter's Role Playing group is laying it with the More Company mod, just to fit all them in. I have experiences I want to detail here in more detail, but until then here is something novel that everybody gets to learn the hard way.

Moon Problems

Morach watched Rebel Moon, which he assured me was "one of the moon-types." It's a Zach Snyder movie, which I guess is sort of a genre. I don't hate his movies automatically, and some of them I think are much better than are given credit for. But it does involve recognizing his motives.

Sticker Madness!

Rebel Moon was one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen. I say this as someone who generally really enjoys Zack Snyder movies. In fact his Justice League cut is one of my favorite films of all time. Rebel Moon though…woof.



The Eldren

The Merriest of Christmii to you, on this, the hour of the nascent God Seed. I haven't been to church in a while so I'm not up on everything that happened in the last season - the last episode I saw (S2 E27, "Revelations") was pretty hardcore. It was sort of a reboot situation? Honestly, it needed it; this thing has been running longer than One Piece. But, as for today's strip, please enjoy this return to the days of our youth.

Leaks and Stuff

I feel very badly for the folks affected by this nasty Insomniac leak. As someone who makes things for a living, I can say that having your work seen before it’s ready really fucking sucks. It’s like someone tasting your dough instead of a finished loaf of bread. I have to imagine it’s only made worse by the fucking glee with which what passes for games journalism these days has reported on every detail. Certainly reporting that someone's pants have been pulled down is in line with their job description, but detailed articles about the color and state of the victims underwear seems ghoulish to me. 




We have attempted to catalogue the means by which Reacher frontman Alan Ritchson became some kind of noble gorilla warrior king. But, let me reveal now: the comic strip and its contents are intended primarily as a vector for mirth. They are not intended to represent an authentic technique for bulking, or even becoming yolked. It's not possible to become a man-god in this way. For one, the arm that was lifting Gabriel would see no change whatsoever. The arm that was lifting me would mount a bicep the size and, indeed, rigidity of a bike helmet.



Essentially, Twitter just sorta makes Mike feel bad. I know a few people who have decided that it wasn't improving their lives, and escaped; Laura Frohmwerk and Kris Straub are both exploring Blue Skies and Tickity Toks and seem to be having more fun than they were previously. Or, at any rate, their actions aren't feeding Twitter's in-house AI bot or providing value and interest to someone they despise. There were many discrete thresholds where Morak might have decided that this was "his stop," and leave, but ultimately I think it was the return of Alex Jones that he couldn't abide.


I think it's important to establish a few things regarding this Hasbro Wizards stuff, just because they're counterintuitive. It's simultaneously more complex and much more simple, depending on the angle you view it from.


God of War Valhalla DLC!

The new God of War Valhalla DLC has been a really nice surprise. I will start by saying I was not a huge fan of God of War Ragnorok. I like the combat in these games but unskippable cutscenes absolutely killed the second one for me. I don’t understand why they will give us a “story” mode for people who don’t like combat, but can’t give us an “action” mode for people who don’t like the story.



A lot of people did a lot of great work in gaming, for years, but a significant amount of the conversation around The Game Awards was about how The Game Awards were a singularly poor context in which to celebrate that work. I literally turned it off - I couldn't look at it anymore. I can't look at this smug goon mugging with puppets, and I can't tolerate how this goblin merely stands adjacent to incredible work, and some measure of that talent - that light - somehow accrues to him.

A Recipe For Hat

Merry Christmas! I feel like we're sufficiently beyond the turkey threshold to make such an entreaty. I'm in the market for a Merry Christmas; having returned from PAX Unplugged primarily with a sense of profound gratitude, all that remains really is to… actually feel it? I'm gonna try. Let's both of us try.