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Child’s Play Invitational 2014!

By Gabe – June 16, 2014

The Child’s Play Golf Tournament is coming up this Sunday! That means you only have a few more days to buy your tickets. Ticket sales will actually close this Wednesday at 5:00pm. Remember this year we have three different options for you:

Surface Pro 3 update

By Gabe – June 16, 2014

Last time I talked about the Surface Pro 3 I laid out some of the problems I had with the device. MS reached out to me and asked if I would be willing to come over to the campus and meet with some folks from the Surface team. Basically they wanted to get me in a room with the designers and engineers and just have them watch me draw for a while. I figured if watching me use the device could help them fix some of this stuff then it was worth giving them an afternoon.

To P Or Not To P

By Tycho – June 13, 2014

Console-wise, what we need more than anything else - more than specific games, even - is a pair of gargantuans at each other's throats, their iridescent plumage fanned out, preening for tribute.

Gabbie and Tyche

By Gabe – June 13, 2014

I wish I could take credit for the awesome designs in today’s comic strip but I can’t. They were actually created by Kismesister and she draws them much better than I do. You can hit her tumblr to see more of her awesome work.



By Tycho – June 11, 2014

I buy Metal Gear Solid games. And I play Metal Gear Solid games. And I understand that there is something to get. I also want to be someone who does get it. But I don't get it. Built into my psychic substrate is a routine that makes me pound my head against things I don't understand; I'll never stop trying. I got closest with 2 and 4.

More Wildstaring

By Gabe – June 11, 2014

I’m trying not to make every single one of my posts about Wildstar but it’s not easy. A couple cool things happened yesterday though that I wanted to share.

Spectral Cat

By Tycho – June 9, 2014

He has a lot of life stuff to manage today, so I thought he might not get around to telling us about it; the food court at that zoo was and is Kafkaesque. We live right by there, I could have told him to bring lunchables or just to have one of his boys catch and eat a seagull. You don't "purchase food" at this place so much as you "perform a ritual designed to tantalize, subsequently attract, but ultimately fail to bind the gods of chaos." There is something about it that impresses upon one that all of human endeavor is essentially a half-dug grave.

The Zoo

By Gabe – June 9, 2014

If today’s comic feels a little “real” that’s because it is. Tycho and I were talking about the special sort of Dad rage that comes over a father determined to make his family have fun.


The Cool Of The Pool

By Tycho – June 6, 2014

When we actually made the comic, there wasn't any pictures of the Goddamned thing. It was actually a piquant observation! Now everybody's talking about Okao Vision or some shit, and the video has receded in importance. I would certainly like to see a device that does these things; I've seen truly striking, glasses-free 3D rendered with just a couple IR reflective stickers, so I'm fairly confident that it can do things like this with ease. But when people start using terms like "Prime Data," it begins to stir the soul.


By Gabe – June 6, 2014

Yesterday I ran my first “Adventure” in Wildstar. It was the Hycrest Insurrection adventure that you get access to at level 15 on the Exile side. Normally I’d run a five man like this as DPS before trying a more important role like Tank or Healer but this time I decided to jump right in.Kenneth joined me and I chose tank while he went heals. Neither of us really had any idea what to expect but we figured we’d give it our best shot. Holy shit did we have fun.

Feng Shui

By Tycho – June 4, 2014

Uh, so.

I Can Do You One Better

By Tycho – June 3, 2014

I often end up going to some kind of event at Elliot's school, some bullshit, not because the event itself is bullshit but because he never really has any intention of engaging with it. If they are having an Ice Cream Social, he is interested primarily in Ice Cream and the Social is right out. Even a "Game Night" is insufficient. What invariably happens - and I am not using the word Invariably simply for exaggeratory funtimes - is that I lose him at some point, but not really, because I know where he went. He is in the library, in a corner, reading a book. There is a pile of books next to him also. I can't really be mad, that's the son I wanted.


Hey Tycho...

By Gabe – June 3, 2014

I know you are home sick today but I thought you would appreciate this. I was looking for a new book to read last night and saw this:

Child's Play Golf!

By Gabe – June 2, 2014

This is just a friendly reminder that the Child's Play invitational is coming up on June 22nd. We still have tickets available whether you want to play in the "real golf" scramble tournament, the putt putt mini golf tournament or just spectate from the sidelines. Remember that regardless of which ticket you purchase you'll be able to join in the awards ceremony and BBQ at the end of the day. You can get more details over on the official Child's Play site. Pretty much the entire PA crew will be down there so come join us for some golf and help support a great cause!

Fresh Spring Looks

By Tycho – June 2, 2014

Gabriel is fucking hooked on Wolf, which is the absolute last thing I expected. You don't make shooters without multiplayer, I'm not sure what these mutants thought they were up to exactly, but it's simply not done. If you want to get away with that kind of thing, it has to take place in a quasi-historical society powered by whale oil. Although there is some weird science here, if you want to call it that.

Early Adopter

By Tycho – May 30, 2014

"Watch_Dogs," like the original Assassin's Creed, was a game the press largely invented. So when it - like the original Assassin's Creed - deviated from the fantasy, I expected the same result. That is to say, I expected the hammer to come down. And it hasn't.