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Tithe Fan Art

By Gabe – September 16, 2013

The ammount of fan art I'm seeing for the Tithe is pretty amazing. We've never done anything before that has generated this sort of response. I'm getting songs and drawings and stories sent to me every day. I'm hearing from readers who are reading the Tithe with their own real daughters and loving it. I've actually walked by offices here at PA and heard girls that work here talking about what flower would grow in their hair if they were a daughter. I am so happy.

The Tithe, Part Five

By Tycho – September 16, 2013

I'm gonna leave his up there; no reason to move it, so far as I can see. We're both doing the same thing now.


The Tithe part 5

By Gabe – September 16, 2013

Page 5 has Hanna scared and alone in the forest doing the only thing she can think of, Calling the Thornwatch. We've spoken of them before on the site and even did a little three part comic based on them. The comic was from the point of view of the Lookouts though and they see the Thornwatch as oath breakers and criminals. Boys are warned to never call the Thornwatch no matter how dire their situation is.

The Tithe

By Gabe – September 13, 2013

Page 4 of the Tithe is one of my favorites. You’re not always able to get exactly what’s in your head out on the page. On this page though I feel like I hit all the emotions I was after. Here’s a look at my sketchbook for this page.

The Tithe, Part Four

By Tycho – September 13, 2013

So, there are some strange things about our division of labor that can result in interesting outcomes.

The Tithe

By Gabe – September 11, 2013

Page 3 is up today and I have another high res panel for you.


The Tithe, Part Three

By Tycho – September 11, 2013

Oh ho, who's this? Why yes, now that you ask, I am obsessed with the Triple Goddess. Between this and the sixth issue of the comic series, you've got some fairly strong datapoints there. There's a page later in the series I want to talk about, but I can't, which is sort of weird or me. As my cohort suggested previously, we are way ahead of the game on this project. We'd be way ahead by any reckoning, but specifically for us, it's almost inconceivable. We make comics seven to ten hours before they're required. That I would have knowledge of any kind about upcoming strips feels like prescience.

Another Verse

By Tycho – September 10, 2013

Jesus. So, we've got tons and tons of people sending in their versions of Hanna's song from the strip. Like, tons. I could not be more pleased. A capella versions, also guitar, mandolin, autoharp (my mom had an autoharp!), banjo, and I swear to GOD I have a hammer dulcimer version in here. Everybody has their own melody. That means I can hack in another section, and they will have twice as much song with virtually no work on their side. Plus, singing for another person is incredibly scary, and I want to honor that. If she had kept singing, it would sound like this:

Our Diablo III Project With Katie Rice!

By Tycho – September 9, 2013

There are five strips total, but the first one just went up. I would describe this project as deeply, just... fundamentally batshit, and it was a ton of fun to have her take over the art duties.

The Tithe

By Gabe – September 9, 2013

I posted ie a while back but if you’re looking for a nice high res version of the first panel in today’s strip here it is:


The tithe

By Gabe – September 6, 2013

The Lookouts tells the story of what it’s like to be a young boy in the Eyrewood. It’s essentially fantasy boy scouts and almost immediately after the first strip we were asked if there was a girl scout equivalent in that world. It was actually a fan that gave us the name Daughters of the Eyrewood but it’s taken us a few years to figure out exactly what their story is.

The Tithe

By Tycho – September 6, 2013

Any spare minute where we were not in, you know, Australia or something, Gabriel has been drawing Daughters of the Eyrewood: The Tithe. I don't think it looks like he drew it. Obviously, that's not my department. I don't have a robust methodology for determining things like that. But looking at it, with the organs I use for that purpose, it clearly represents a change either in him or in his style.

Some Clarification

By Gabe – September 5, 2013

There have been a lot of assumptions about what I meant or thought at the panel last Monday. I wanted to clear that up, so get ready, let’s talk about Dickwolves.