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By Tycho – February 22, 2013

There were actually two separate presentations by Sony during the reveal of the Playstation 4: one for developers, which might have been better situated at a GDC, and a second presentation which showed incredibly high resolution videogames in various states of undress. Predictions were verified, or sundered, by virtue of their truth content. The bump to eight gigs of ram was clearly a recent addition, and there's a lot of gesticulation toward the more "wibbly-wobbly" and "timey-wimey" aspects of the backend. By the end, though, they showed a machine that was exquisitely tuned to this particular nanosecond.

Friends With Menefits

By Tycho – February 20, 2013

The weird thing is that if I actually wanted to hold to the idea that I only play tactics games where Men Long To Sweat Together Outside Of Combat, the only tactics games I'd be allowed to play would be earlier versions of Fire Emblem. Well, and XCOM. My XCOM headcanon states that the biomodifications which allow them unmatched battlefield prowess also flip the genetic switch that makes them want to get all the way up in that ass. In addition, potent "revigorator modules" allow soldiers to fuck for ten days without food (three without water).

The Corollary

By Tycho – February 18, 2013

John Gabriel's Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory, from the strip "Green Blackboards (And Other Anomalies)," has proven itself incredibly durable as a conceptual tool. I see it everywhere. It is beyond delicious that its natural truncation - GIFT - is both an actual word and an implication that it is something we have granted, in Promethean fashion, to the race of man.



By Tycho – February 15, 2013

I am not obsessed with cars, but I am obsessed with the Tesla; it's unconscionably priced lifestyle totem, which means (among other things) that it's dork catnip. I don't care about "The Earth" beyond putting things in the right garbage cans; I like electric cars because they're electric cars. They're inherently fantastical, in that they are like the tiny vehicles you play with as a young person and picture yourself driving. The doors really open, though, and they're large enough to enter. These things grant them serious advantages in this arena.

PA: The Series Season 3 DVD!

By Gabe – February 13, 2013

I posted about our PA: The Series Season 3 DVD last week and now I have a little video to share. This is a quick look at some of the behind the scenes/never before seen footage that you will find on the DVD


By Tycho – February 13, 2013

Well before the public crucifixions, the editorial back channel was already building pressure re: Aliens: Colonial Marines. They were filing their teeth, waiting to bite.


PA: The Series Season 3 DVD!

By Gabe – February 13, 2013

I posted about our PA: The Series Season 3 DVD last week and now I have a little video to share. This is a quick look at some of the behind the scenes/never before seen footage that you will find on the DVD


By Tycho – February 11, 2013

The couple in question isn't actually Brenna and I; it's another Webcomics Power Couple, to the extent that such couples exist. She could wholly legitimize the 140 character format with just a few precision tweetz, such is her valor, but Twitter is a piece of technology and as such is her enemy.

Age of Majority

By Tycho – February 8, 2013

Every couple years, a few plastic tubs get tilled up from somewhere in the office.

Strip Search site is live!

By Tycho – February 6, 2013

Super, super excited for people to finally see what's going on with this thing. Check out the new digs, then sweat and shake in anticipation of the first incredible episode.


Location Awareness

By Tycho – February 6, 2013

I'm gonna grab Dead Space on my way home today, happy birthday to me; I haven't seen anything in a review to make me think I won't derive nutrition thereby. I'm going in fully aware of any alterations, and I have been vaccinated against them by absorbing small amounts of Internet rage.

PA the series season 3 DVD

By Gabe – February 4, 2013

We just launched pre-orders for the Penny Arcade: The Series-Season 3 DvD set! You might be wondering what sorts of goodies are included and I've got the full break down for you. Check it out!

A Teachable Moment

By Tycho – February 4, 2013

You have almost certainly absorbed the now well-known saga of CrunkBear. The Twitter account that undid her was, to hear her tell it, a "parody" but it's not entirely clear what it was a parody of, unless it was a commentary on how you can fuck your life up when you forget that there is only one Internet.

We Can Help

By Tycho – February 1, 2013

Moon and Source Code are both really good movies, but they don't have any orcs in them, so it's not super clear to me what makes Duncan Jones "the guy" to direct a World of Warcraft film other than the fact that he said it was possible to actually do it. That seems like a prerequisite to me I guess, but I am not well versed in Hollywood ritual! In any event, provided they execute it exactly as we describe, it should be a fairly straightforward process.