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Books 1 & 2 Now In The Humble eBook Bundle

By Tycho – October 15, 2012

We're overjoyed to have been invited in, but we wanted to remind people that the little arrow by "authors" can be clicked to reveal a more granular list. On this list, you can zero out our "cut" altogether and then scooch the funds over to Child's Play (or anybody else). That can happen automagically, based on percentages, or you can grip that little slider like you mean business and then GO CRAZY (with precision).


By Tycho – October 15, 2012

"Dating Tips For Geeks" is some intolerable new genre, malformed and asinine; there are no good examples of this ruse in existence. Well, there are good examples of how bad it is. I thank the black hole where a God would be EVERY DAY that I'm not in the market for this kind of bullshit. That in my desolation and loneliness there was no warped sexual vizier to whirl out of thin air and dispense the kind of wisdom which should be firmly contained within quotation marks.

No Quarter

By Tycho – October 12, 2012

I knew Gabriel when I was an X-Com enthusiast, certainly; I've known him since the Earth's crust was still warm to the touch. We hung out a lot then, but he didn't approve of my weekly spirit journeys and, if it is even possible, he approved of my tactics games even less.

Thornwatch and Cryptozoic!

By Gabe – October 11, 2012

Yesterday I had the chance to demo my Thornwatch game for some friends from Cryptozoic. In case you don’t know, these are the guys who make the World of Warcraft TCG, our Penny Arcade deck building games and are also responsible for the totally fucking amazing Lookouts comic book. Cryptozoic makes a lot of great games and I figured if I really wanted to know if Thornwatch had potential, I needed to show it to some professional game makers.



By Tycho – October 10, 2012

We were lucky enough to receive copies of Dishonored before release, but I am afraid we may not have been terribly good investments thereof; neither of us were particularly taken with it. For Gabriel, that's it. He's comfortable having opinions on things. Apparently every person on Earth loves the game except for the two of us, though, and that has made me incredibly curious.

Calling the Thornwatch

By Gabe – October 8, 2012

Working with Jerry is pretty great. I can say something like "how do people call the Thornwatch" and five minutes later he comes up with tying a wreath of thorns around a birch tree. He then cooks up a system of knots that tell the Thornwatch what the mission will be. Oh and a poem.

The One-Oh-Furst, Part Two

By Tycho – October 8, 2012

We were trying to figure out what "thing" we would be unable to process as society marched forward, what would possess some configuration which would render it unable to be absorbed by our aging brains, in the way that "rap" or "rock & roll" once found themselves in the twilight between exile and ubiquity.


The One-Oh-Furst, Part One

By Tycho – October 5, 2012

I am a "good boy" when it comes to the vast majority of correct opinions. Some I believe because they are right, some I make peace with because they are inevitable, and some I honestly can't believe we're still arguing about, but that's what's it's like when you live in a world filled with evil people who will not, can not be wished away. They stay, defiantly, even when you've put in a firm request with natural law that they evanesce.

Pac Man Meets Art History.

By Gabe – October 3, 2012

I honestly thought today’s comic would not appeal to people outside the target "people who are me" demographic. So I was pleasantly surprised to see my Twitter blow up with readers asking for larger versions of each panel.

Trenches: Season 2 Comes To A Close!

By Tycho – October 3, 2012

If you like to read season by season, you can do that now. Now that we have a full-time artist, my guess is that the typical Season Hiatus won't last especially long. We'll get together next Wednesday and write up the arcs.


By Tycho – October 3, 2012

Namco Bandai is shopping around different looks for a new Pac-Man game, which is interesting, until you get to their fourth new look and you freak the fuck out. That shouldn't be real, but it is real. It's apparently for a "casual" game. Don't care. Gabriel flipped his shit and wanted to do nothing but render the iconic character in the manner of famous artists throughout history. His voice had a strange timbre; refusing him seemed... unwise.



By Tycho – October 1, 2012

Looking over the FAQ for the City of Heroes shutdown reminds me of the time I found (and subsequently consumed/obsessed over/used as the template for a grim new religion) the documents which obliterated my parents' marriage. It is an utterly, cruelly, unsentimental, unsparingly frank assessment of the things people never, ever talk about until it's time to close the store.

Dread And Balls And Etc.

By Tycho – September 28, 2012

There's like three hours left on the Dreadball Kickstarter, and (as is the way with boardgames on the crowdfunding service) it's gone bananas. Gabe makes an appearance as an MVP in the game, and I was going to announce it, but stretch goals don't last long on this thing and I never had the chance.


By Tycho – September 28, 2012

I wasn't at the last Thornwatch playtest. I made the mistake of relaxing for one second last Friday, one Goddamn second, and PAX finally caught up with me and laid me out. I understand that it was... a thing.

Transfer Of Title

By Tycho – September 26, 2012

Having received word a second time that his account had been pilfered, even though his password was now an alphanumeric goulash, Gabriel decided on a bold new strategy for dealing with this sort of thing. He was contacted later that day to find that it had all been some kind of internal mistake, but Guild Wars 2 has no monthly fee; he can get back in whenever he wants to and not be out any money. In the meantime, he gets a t-o-n of free labor. He can't actually lose.