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By Tycho – June 22, 2012

Quantum Conundrum made me very happy for its duration, and then it was over, and it was just me at the menu screen having considerably less fun than I had been having previously. I'd passed through so many distinct states of being during the trip that I had forgotten how to do normal things.

XBLIG Version of Precipice Will Come Out Later

By Tycho – June 20, 2012

You know how when you save your game, and a message comes up that says "Don't Remove The Memory Card"? Well, if you are playing Precipice on an old Xbox with an MU and you decide to pull it out literally as you are saving the game, it will apparently crash. We thought we had accounted for that exact scenario but apparently our failsafes against timed MU pulls were not as tight as we had thought, so it failed Community Peer Review. That's why it's not coming out on the same day as the PC version, which manifests in all its glory on the 25th. We can't resubmit for another seven days, so we (and you, if you want to play it on there) are in kind of a holding pattern. Zeboyd will push another build out on Tuesday; I'll keep you posted.



By Tycho – June 20, 2012

I was fifteen or so before I'd ever been stung by a bee, so that by the time a bee finally got around to doing it I think I'd sort of forgotten that was something they did. And then you resent it, this fuzzy little flying needle, even though all she's actually doing is just executing her little subroutine tryna get dat pollen. Gabriel managed to make it all the way to thirty-four without envenomation, something he no doubt considers a kind of "score" to be lorded over me next time we must invent a hierarchy.

A Ripe Kickstarter Morsel: Disaster Looms

By Tycho – June 18, 2012

Post en route, obviously, but since there's only two hours left on this one it seemed worth a mention. I'd backed this before I knew there was an Enforcer working on it; once I found out, I was flush with arcing, eternal power like in Highlander. I say it is "ripe" because they have sufficiently overfunded to unlock an included minigame and the inevitable 5-6 player expansion for anyone pledging at $50 dollars, which is already cheaper than it will retail for. Of course, it's all contingent on your interest; I have a flashing "weak point" where hex-based, build-the-board games are concerned. They've got plenty of videos (and the by now expected Tom Vasel preview) all on the page.


By Tycho – June 18, 2012

Microsoft has some kind of mysterious something or other today; the rumor is that they're going to announce a tablet of some kind, and we are all by now aware that Microsoft Rumors are absolutely, one hundred percent always true. But in the event that this is the freaky edge case, we've got full coverage on each rhetorical base.



By Tycho – June 15, 2012

Gabriel's most recently hatched larvae is a brute, a yeti in miniature, whose knack for cataclysm is already refined after two quick solar revolutions. Neither of us have any experience with "boys," our own sons are nowhere to be found in any of the "accepted" young male archetypes, so it's fascinating. Well, fascinating for me. I suspect that for Gabriel and Kara it's more "aerobic."

Ouroboros Or Whatever

By Tycho – June 13, 2012

The more time passes, the more I hate Prometheus. My theory is that I've wrung all the juice out of the Goddamn thing now, every touchpoint about The Pilot or Engineers or Xenomorphs or whatever, so all I have left is this hateful, spongy rind.

All Those Who Say Neigh

By Tycho – June 11, 2012

Still just generally sort of taken aback by the level of sophistication Ubisoft is bringing to their WiiU launch titles. It's not that I expect garbage from them or something, it's that almost as a rule Nintendo has to lead people around by the hand on their recent hardware, especially at launch. Even now, nearing the end of its run, there are games released for the Wii where you just do crazy shit with the controller and go wild. Rules are tempered by their exceptions, I suppose.


By Tycho – June 8, 2012

That there new Stur Wurrs game has incredible junk in its metaphorical trunk. A "long time ago," Shadows of the Empire spent time embroidering the setting's underworld, and here they are with a pair of new characters exploring that underworld's literal underworld.



By Tycho – June 6, 2012

I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about the new Tomb Raider. Well, I know how they want me to feel about it, because they're monkeying around with some pretty fundamental socialization. You really have to wonder about these voiceover sessions.

Father's Day!

By Gabe – June 4, 2012

Father’s day is on June 17th! Don’t worry though, if Dad happens to be a PA fan we’ve got you covered. We’ve packed our store with a bunch of cool shit for Dads.

Southern Exposure

By Tycho – June 4, 2012

I haven't "missed" E3 until this year. I went every year from '99 or so until it collapsed, and the last few years I've been fine; I have larvae at home which are molting constantly, and sometimes they need help writhing out of their dessicated sheaths. They need my mandibles. But it was nice to have an excuse to make full use of portables, a chance to leverage all those multiplayer features that were purchased but so rarely utilized.


By Tycho – June 1, 2012

I saw a single still used to promote a Hitman: Absolution trailer, a phalanx of leather-clad Battle-Nuns, and decided to skip it. I felt like I had probably seen something very similar at some point. But being mad at it is apparently a thing, a compulsory thing. Except I don't do compulsory, and I also don't do infantilizing chivalry. So I don't do well at these kinds of parties.