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PAX D&D Live Video

By Tycho – October 26, 2011

We did it again! We made Dungeons and Dragons into a stage show at the last PAX, which you can see here. Many thanks to Wizards of the Coast, particularly our DM Chris Perkins, who is seen here in rare form. And also to Paul and Storm, who agreed to troubadour the event. Troubadour may not entirely be a verb. In any case, you can purchase the songs they troubadoured from the store.

Polygon Au Chocolat

By Tycho – October 26, 2011

What they're doing visually in the PC version of Battlefield 3 often, often borders on ridiculous. I will sometimes just shake my head the screen, the nearly silent "oh, fuck you" tucked below Ventrilo's voice threshold. My experience with the beta wasn't especially positive; this wasn't one of those "betas" which are sometimes released, with the quotation marks firmly affixed. Performance concerns and general anxiety about its stability made me wary, but I'd already preordered it. Indeed, it was my preorder that gave me access to a beta that made me uneasy about my purchase! I was caught in a chronoloop. And then, after I'd secured the real thing, it wouldn't let me join any games ever, which made me snarl and stamp my hoof.

The Menagerie

By Tycho – October 24, 2011

Gabriel has continued his descent into Skylanders-inspired madness, and he would be farther down this particular hole if he could find a store that actually had product on hand. Apparently this "physical DLC" approach is working for them: whenever he goes somewhere to purchase additional toys, the place looks like it's been reclaimed by nature.


Priority Override

By Tycho – October 21, 2011

Batman: Arkham City exists, and roun' these parts it's getting play for real. We detail what I'm sure is a common problem in today's sequential offering, as there's like four hundred of these fucking things and they're every-Goddamn-where. I have to say, though, that I have a very hard time flying right over this game's plaintive cries; they're authentically chilling, in the vein of Red Faction: Guerilla's awful interrogation. I don't know how they got these sounds out of a person without applying a literal pipe to those areas of the body least able to withstand it.


By Tycho – October 19, 2011

The "rumor" is that the protagonist of the last three Assassin's Creed games - Ezio Auditore de Firenze - will be making an appearance in Soul Calibur V without a trip into the character creator. I only maintain this "rumor" narrative because I know all about them 'shops, but he's a perfect fit and it would be crazy not to have him in there. They did Link for Chrissakes, and he's not even from our planet.


By Gabe – October 17, 2011

I was interested in Skylanders as soon as I heard about it. I love toys and the whole concept just seemed cool to me. With that said I was still surprised by the marketing assault I found at our local Toys “R” Us or TRU as those of us who used to work there called it. I took Gabe down there who is seven now and smack dab in the middle of what I imagine their target demographic to be. When he saw the wall of Skylanders toys and accessories he actually started drooling. I took what might be the worst photo ever. Nice job auto focus.

The Heresiarch

By Tycho – October 17, 2011

It's been a while, but I have every faith that I'll be able to manage it. Don't call it a comeback! Call it a lethargic, days-long emergence from a waxen sac.


The Line

By Tycho – October 12, 2011

The strip is here. We like it. But you also might need it for... something else.


Humble Indie Bundle

By Tycho – October 5, 2011

I already own Frozen Synapse, but I could gift it; I really wanted Trauma, which I saw at GDC a few years ago but it never seemed to come out. It was like a Photosynth of a nightmare. Now they've gone and thrown in SpaceChem, and it's over. It's over! You beat me.

No Mouth Disease

By Tycho – October 5, 2011

We try to take a vacation of some kind after PAX, when we can, and now that an entire month of preparation has passed we're entering into the realm where such things are feasible. Where are we going? We have two strips that will detail the journey with frightful specificity, and the first of them goes up on Friday. In addition, as sometimes occurs, I have secured the services of an elite cadre to manage the newspost - beings whose unique character and experience are calibrated to nourish you in my absence.

The Affwiction

By Tycho – October 3, 2011

Given the disrespectful manner of my treatment, my husk is holding up super well! I hate it, and I hate the idea of it, it's my enemy in addition to being a kind of prison, but aside from the occasional twinge of piercing, mysterious pain, this thing just keeps on going. Sure: there are the occasional parasitic lumps, sucking out my vitamins. But it's mostly cool. My teeth are rarely pulled out by a Charleston Chew.

League of Legends for Child's Play

By Gabe – September 30, 2011

We will be playing League of Legends tonight. That’s pretty much what we do every night but tonight is special. Tonight we will be playing for Child’s Play along with some folks from Riot and the 10 Win Streak crew. You can hit up this site tonight at 9:00 PST to watch a live stream of the games. That’s right, You’ll be able to watch Tycho and I along with some other PA people get our asses handed to us by the jerks who made the fucking game.