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Dad Stuff

By Gabe – August 10, 2011

I know you don’t come to this website for news about my spawn but I can’t help but share this. My eldest son Gabe is almost seven years old now. He is fixated on a few different things. Lego, Minecraft, Adventure Time, and (God help me) iCarly. Gabe plays Minecraft every single day and that’s no joke. For a while I thought maybe I should be limiting his time because that’s what parents do right? They limit “time”. Then I started looking at the shit my son was doing in this game and I could not ask him to stop.

The trenches!

By Gabe – August 10, 2011

Its been a long time coming but we have finally launched our new comic The Trenches. This comic is a collaboration between Tycho and I along with Scott Kurtz. Scott and I created the the characters and the look of the strip and he is handling the artwork for the actual comics. The three of us are writing it together and having a blast. The Trenches is much different from Penny Arcade in that it is has what the ladies call “continuity”.

Fed Astaire

By Tycho – August 10, 2011

The communities of DOTA, HoN, and LoL are notorious, even among gamer communities, for being noxious hellholes. It’s rare that I actually run afoul of these beasts; usually, they’re content to shiver and gasp in their rotting stumps. Every now and then, though, they do emerge, and I remember: oh, yes. You senseless things. Again!


Fruit Ninja

By Gabe – August 8, 2011

My friend Brian over at Kotaku posted a nice preview of Fruit Ninja for Kinect. In it he mentions the fact that the game will notify you when someone has beaten your score. Since he had the game early and so did I, he says he was competing with me. I hate to break it to you Brian but you were competing with my son. Lil’ Gabe is the Fruit Ninja in our house.

PAXDev Badge Delivery Deadline

By Tycho – August 8, 2011

August Tenth - so, Wednesday? - is the last day to buy your ticket and have it sent to you.  Otherwise, you'll have to pick it up at the door.  Which is also fine!  Up to you.  

Sound And Fury

By Tycho – August 8, 2011

What is true, absolutely true, is that Blizzard does not allow people to play Diablo III while they are not connected live to their servers. It is at this point that interpretation, reason, and cynicism create a drifting mobile of warring, caustic realities.


Kickball, Sport Of Kings

By Tycho – August 5, 2011

We held a bachelor party for Levin night before last, a bachelor party that began with drunken kickball and culminated in drunken drinking. Gabriel attended the former, and I tagged in for the latter, each playing to our respective strengths. The drinking portion involved a Whisky Tasting, and I offered a series of tasting notes for the flight via Twitter, like so:

The Only Way To Be Sure

By Tycho – August 3, 2011

When I was tooling around the ‘Con a couple weeks ago, I managed to scam my way into a BioWare thingy where (much to my surprise) six massive Shepards stood vigil. The female Shepard that is, colloquially referred to as FemShep. It was all part of a contest designed to play up the distaff side of the equation, chosen by just under a fifth of the playerbase. You could go online and choose which one would be the default. Employees of the company were very excited about it, and all had their favorites; none of the ones I spoke to would have chosen the Shepard now known ignominiously as Shepard 5.


Acquisitions Inc.

By Gabe – August 1, 2011

Are you ready for more Acquisitions Inc.? I certainly hope so because we are getting the band back together for PAX prime. That’s right Jim, Omen, Binwin and Al will be going up against Dungeon Master extraordinaire Chris Perkins in another incredible adventure! Was that too much?

The Fire

By Tycho – August 1, 2011

I’ve made no secret of my struggles to integrate the Nintendo 3DS into the contours of an entire life. The machine is literally my son’s Pokedex - that’s all it gets used for. It’s very good at being that; I don’t want to seem like that’s nothing. But, considering the lineage, it’s starting to look like the blanged-out wastrel heir of a once great house.

Gabeart Show

By Gabe – July 29, 2011

We’ve posted another of my live drawing sessions on PATV. We listened to the feedback we got last time and now you can watch it in real time or sped up. You can check out wither version right here.


By Tycho – July 29, 2011

The nasty bit about Summer of Arcade is its density; I’m in no way finished with Bastion, and now they want me to play Lord for some nomadic dudesmen. They aren’t finished with their claims on my time, either, with stuff from Signal Studios waiting in the wings and Robot Entertainment’s Orcs Must Die(!) outside the blast radius of the promotion yet still colonizing my forebrain. I understand being able to purchase them all, like they want you to, but play them? Who can do this? Goro?