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The Land Before Time

By Tycho – March 9, 2011

I really want to know what another ten years of increasingly ubiquitous Internet will do to a person. I've got two kids, and it's not too late. I'm seriously considering making one of them the control.

Funny drawing I made

By Gabe – March 7, 2011

The drawing of Gabe in the second panel today really makes me laugh. I think it’s the best Gabe I’ve ever drawn. So I went ahead and made a nice high res version suitable for desktop wallpapers.


By Tycho – March 7, 2011

I don't think it's too bad a spoiler to say that the new Pokemon game - the new Pokemon game, for God's sake - asks questions about the franchise itself at a fundamental level. Yeah, it does it in way which tracks with the continuum of Pokemania, and as robust as its core mechanism is, these games must make themselves available to the young. Even so, it's rare. It's a rare game that has the pluck to question its own thesis even while it is actively enslaving you with same.



By Tycho – March 4, 2011

When I was writing it, this is what I kept thinking about:  all the times in DA where you pull back out of a combat to some kind of dialogue sequence, often one that had some humor in it, and everybody is joking, even though they are covered from head to toe in fucking blood.

PAX East

By Gabe – March 4, 2011

PAX East is only a week away. Despite the much larger venue, it looks like we will once again be looking at a sold out event. There’s only 150 Friday badges left and about 400 Sunday. These will be gone before the show though, so don’t expect to walk in and buy a pass. If you want to go, get you tickets now.


By Tycho – March 4, 2011

PAX East grows ever nearer, it's super near right now, and our dutiful JavaScript clock is returning a value that seems almost impossible. Maybe it is impossible. Maybe each of my fingers is an undulating shrimp! It's a world of possibilities. It's also a world of challenges unique to my psychological profile.


Minecraft Fruit Fucker

By Gabe – March 3, 2011

PA reader Michael just sent me this and I thought it was awesome. The lava "juice" is my favorite part.

Omegathon Games

By Gabe – March 2, 2011

Time to start practicing Omeganauts! 

Something To Consider

By Tycho – March 2, 2011

Your choice of Pokemon games mostly comes down to whether or not you want Reshiram or Zekrom. Clearly, Zekrom is the right choice. Even more than usual, though, the whole experience actually comes from having access to someone playing the opposite cart.


Beauty And Another Kind Of Beauty

By Tycho – February 28, 2011

It was an act of will to keep from cocking my head at the Beastly trailer, which Gabriel queued up while laughing through his nose. Eventually I had to use my hands to maintain a neutral orientation, but then the urge to knit a scornful brow nudged its way through and everything fell apart. Ugly has received a significant downgrade, or perhaps an upgrade; maybe it depends on what you're trying to determine.

Space Beans, Red Racers

By Tycho – February 25, 2011

Gabriel was trying to tell me about his Smurf Town, and how many Smurfs were there, or something. I was given to understand that there were "hella" Smurfs, almost perpetually "up in." I also learned that, like most freemium lures which writhe and flash on the hook, it has a potentially brutal microtransactional backend whose thorny roots grow into its very heart. Apparently, these "Smurfberries" make your Smurfs work their asses off, stay up real late, war with androgynous Shadow Men, and avoid mirrors.

What's Past Is Prologue

By Tycho – February 23, 2011

I've been reading Jane McGonigal's Reality Is Broken, and some of the things she says track very closely with the way things work in my own sphere. I am trained - intensely trained - to fail and select retry, that is to say, to iterate, and I can't tell you how much that conditioning helps when you're trying to teach someone to do something when they have no cultural frame of reference, a low threshold for frustration, and an annoying tendency to repeat every Goddamned thing you say in a sing-song, munchkin-like register.

Side Effects

By Gabe – February 21, 2011

I certainly appreciate everyone sending me tips on gaining weight and building muscle. Tycho’s story was from a few years ago though and I really don’t have that problem anymore. I wish I could say that I committed to a daily exercise routine or something but that’s not the case.