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He actually got way the fuck into Exoprimal - long enough to find out that they hid shit in the game. I'm not even going to go into it, except to say that there's shit, and it's hidden in there. It's a sorta Destino, Gambit-like thing for the most part in these early days. Capcom has a super long history of gonzo experiments and whatever else this might look like, Overwatch: Dinosaur Genocide Edition or what have you, it's also them being super weird in a way I always like to see from an outfit that could just coast on Resident Evil, Street Fighter, and Monster Hunter. They still got that pervert DNA

The Ticktockman

Twitter's addictive properties are well known by its warlock owner; he's its chief addict, in addition to whatever else he might be. I use it primarily to let people know about something my friends have done, and that includes the website you are currently reading. Some people use it because they can't not. Reddit is similar. I've never really understood either. I think of these places in roughly the same terms as I would a 7-Eleven. I go in for a specific thing and then I leave with the thing I went in there to get. Some people use Twitter or Reddit as a balm, medicinally, and then - as is quite routine for powerful medication - they start taking it all the time, because the lack of it begins to feel like a disease.


By Gabe – July 20, 2023

One of my favorite features of the most recent Penny Arcade site update is the “This day in history” window that shows you old comics from the current date. One of the strips for today is our “Grace” storyline set in the Nightlight universe.


Assassin's Bleed

Assassin's Creed: Mirage comes with support for something called an OWO, which is a haptic vest. I had seen it mentioned here and there, this specific vest, but I wasn't super paying attention because I had a sense I already understood it. I do think they're cool - even the haptics possible on an iPhone are way more detailed than I expected, and the stuff that comes through a PS5 controller is startlingly detailed, but these are all novel motors wiggling something. This fuckin' vest apparently has "high conductivity electrodes that use electrical impulses" to wirelessly communicate a range of sensations from the prickles of insects to the entry and exit wounds of a bullet. It delivers these things to games via direct support (more rare currently, mostly indie) or mods (for higher profile games like Fortnite or Valorant).



So, it turns out that Dave the Diver is really fucking good. I didn't really understand what I was in for, but I'd just wrapped up Dredge and my heart still longed for the sea. Between Gabe freaking out over it, a relatively rare occurrence, and the Overwhelmingly Positive it's maintained on Steam I grabbed it and streamed it for a few hours on Friday if you want to see. You know? Kinda hang out asynchronously. I should warn you that you're probably gonna end up buying it. Just, you know… stick that in your SD slot.

Wheel Saint Page 6

Here's the last morsel of WHEEL SAINT. I'm very pleased with the whole thing. Hollywood is currently being ground to a halt because it doesn't want to pay people what they're worth, and it wants to obscure or even simulate their labor, but if somebody from that haunted pit doesn't call me about my motherfuckin' angel cars it's because they're concussed.

Defenders Of The Realm Sponsored Stream!

A band of wicked men from Greater Than Games is coming into the studio to show off Defenders of the Realm, the kind of co-op boardgame that is their specialty.  It'll be coming to BackerKit soon, and you can sign up here for updates, but if you want to check it out with us this afternoon Josh will be spinning up the studio at 3pm PST.

I'm told...  I'm told it has mintatures.    



Wheel Saint Page 4

Something that annoys my friends is when I try to figure out something that everyone already knows and takes for granted. It's rude, in a way. "Settled fact," that is to say, "received wisdom," is a method for reducing cognitive load - thus minimizing the energy demands of consciousness. And, look: I'm not trying to say that absolutely everything you've heard from the gleeful commissars on your favorite podcast is a lie. But I do, on occasion, like to try and build the case for something from the ground up. Just to see.


Wheel Saint Page 3

I can't figure out this washlet thing. 

There might be such a thing as a "bidet person." It's like poly, frankly, and I don't want to hear about that either. Don't talk to me about it. I have a lot of friends who really want to talk about them and they do. If I ever encounter a polycule with a washlet, I'll have to fake my own death.