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Idiots (Edited To Be Less Ambiguous)

By Tycho – March 5, 2008

Just got back from the store with two copies of Army of Two, my mind already blossoming with mercenary exploits, when it suddely became clear that the game has no LAN option.  I repeat, no LAN option.  Even on the same Goddamned network, both accounts need to be Gold Tier Live accounts.  You seriously have got to be fucking kidding me. 


Bordering On The Semi-Tasteful

By Tycho – March 5, 2008

Gygax always struck me as a tremendously sinister name: no mortal name, this. This was the sort of name one earned in the service of horned devils and more primordial shapes of evil, a boon for the loyal servant, placed like a black crown on the bowed head.

Art of Blizzard auction for Child's Play

By Gabe – March 3, 2008

So Tycho and I are still playing WoW most nights. In fact, as of this last weekend I think it's fair to say our little five man crew has the Auchenai Crypts on farm. When I was playing before with Dudefella I really only did PvP. This was back when you had to grind honor or risk losing it so I had to play constantly. I had a good time but it meant that I never really saw any of the new content in the Outlands. Now I'm back with a solid group and we're making all the five man instances our main priority. I've never had this much fun with the game and I think it's due to a combination of things. First,  I'm playing a radically different class now. I went from disposable DPS to main healer and I really like it. I've given every class in the game a try and a few of them I've run up past 60. I can honestly say this Druid is my favorite. The other big factor I think is that we have a well balanced five man group we can count on made up entirely of friends. We don't have to worry about PUGs or meeting stones. We've also stacked the classes in a way that means most of the time no one is competing for loot. I won't bore you with too much more about our adventures. I just wanted to say that I'm back in and so the news about an "Art of Blizzard" gallery show to benefit Child's Play really has me excited.

The only bad thing is there is no online component so you'll need to hit the Nucleus art gallery in Alhambra, CA. The opening reception is on March 8th at 7pm. I've spent a lot of time drooling over the World of Warcraft art books so I'm really bummed I can't make it out to this. If you plan on attending let me know. Maybe I can pick something up via one of you guys. I think a giant portrait of a Lich above my fireplace would really tie the room together.

If you're in the area please make a point of checking this show out. I know it's just my opinion but these are some of the best artists in the business and the chance to see their work up close and even own it should not be missed. Not to mention it's all for a good cause.

-Gabe out


By Tycho – March 3, 2008

The agreed upon comic, in the agreed upon place, according to the ancient ritual.


Are You Ready To Wrock

By Tycho – February 29, 2008

I think we've got the concerts for PAX pretty well lined up, but I'm always trying to massage the lineup, and I spent part of the afternoon educating myself about W(izard)rock - the odd metagenre/community devoted to Harry Potter.  This is easily done, provided you have sufficient time and interest, by visiting either (naturally) or by availing yourself of the Wizrocklopedia.  I can't jam in anymore bands this year, not even if I stack them sideways, but I'm keeping an eye on this shit.  I especially enjoyed Ministry of Magic's Snape vs Snape, which features awesome guest vocals from Seattle locals The Parselmouths

It's unfortunate that Melt Wizard is no longer a going concern.  I'd fly them out just to play Weis & Hickman over and over. 

On the HP tip, you may also find this trailer interesting: We Are Wizards is a documentary about the surge of fan works dedicated to the series, including Brad Neely's profound Wizard People, Dear Readers.  I was under the impression that I liked Harry Potter quite a lot, but I may have been mistaken.


Preorder Confirmed

By Tycho – February 29, 2008

There is already a surprisingly elaborate browser game for Deadliest Catch, a television program where men risk their lives trying to outsmart crabs. The show has no right being as entertaining as it is, and the more we thought about an retail game based on it the more enthusiastic we became. This is true, and I wish we had recorded the conversation: all strip progress halted for forty-five minutes while we indulged in the creation of co-operative, asymmetrically competitive structures that would support the theme. The hook is very similar to Iron Dukes actually, the only distinction being that the treasure one hauls up is not gold, but is instead a prison full of delicious animals.

Garfield, For Some Reason

By Tycho – February 27, 2008

I am sure you have already seen these, but I'm not so sure that I could - in good conscience - keep them to myself.


The Alien, The Mutant, The Heretic

By Tycho – February 27, 2008

A week or so ago, I read over Stephen Totilo's off the cuff interview with Cliff Bleszinski, who is also known as CliffyB, and is still sometimes called Clefairy B. In it, Clifford makes a few personal observations about the PC as a gaming platform - namely, that it is schizophrenic in its focus. The industry itself apparently agrees, but it hasn't spared him any heat. Epic's Liar-King Mark Rein scuttled out from a rotting log to do some damage control, but noone on the Internet remembers anything for more than a week anyhow. It's wasted effort.


Pokemon Night

By Gabe – February 25, 2008

Just a reminder, tomorrow night is Pokemon night at the Comic Stop. We start at 6pm and go to 8pm. Bring your deck and any extra cards if you want to trade. New players are welcome, just pick up a starter deck.

-Gabe out

An Apology

By Gabe – February 25, 2008

So I need to apologize her to Ted Mathot for a mistake I made with some concept art for our game. If that doesn't sound interesting to you feel free to stop reading now.

We started working on the game back in 2006 and at the beginning obviously I had no idea what it would like like. Whenever we start a new project I start by looking around for some kind of inspiration. In the case of our game it was one image. The cover to a comic book called Rose and Isabel. It had the exact pallet and "feel" that I though would be good for the game. So I sat down a did the very first piece of art with Gabe and Tycho and FF Prime in the background. I used the pallet and even the composition from the Rose and Isabel cover. When it came to do the ruble I couldn't get it right.  My rocks looked like shit and I loved the way he did his. So I used them. In my head this piece was just something to kick start the project, to supply a direction and help visualize the world.

It might not make sense but I had to do that piece before I could do my own pieces like the one below. I realise they are not very similar but in my head there is a direct connection between the two. I could not have gotten the one without first doing the other.

A Glimpse Into The Future

By Tycho – February 25, 2008

We were threshing GDC news when we came across a LEGO Universe article, and when I say "article" of course I mean "the most rudimentary kind of impressions," because I don't think they're ready to let people really see the guts of this thing. Flynn's interview at Kotaku has a few more details, I'm not sure how much there is to know - but none of this has stopped me from building a nest for it in my heart of hearts. The only advice I would give NetDevil at this point is to maybe beef up their stock of community managers.


By Tycho – February 22, 2008

We decided to try a few shirts in alternate color schemes.  People seem to like the black ones best, but who knows?  Maybe we just haven't made the right ones.  See if any of these do anything for ya. 


The Areas Of Our Expertise

By Tycho – February 20, 2008

It's hard to imagine not having access to a deep reservoir of supernatural knowledge to enrich and inform my daily life. As early as age thirteen I was already curating a collection of incredible facts, highly granular assessments of wicked and ancient lizards, up to and including notes on their diet, sleep habits, and taste in home decor. From the demure to the diabolical, I have sought to build a robust profile of the hidden world. My very mind is an arsenal.

Podcast Tomorrow

By Tycho – February 18, 2008

Sorry about that.  Kiko digests the audio files for that, and I forgot that there President's Day was a holiday that people took seriously.  Before today, I was not aware just how seriously Kiko took the concept of presidency. 

Also, I fixed an offensive and aggressively stupid typographical error in the post above.  Now, it's only aggressively stupid in the ways I originally intended.