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Child's Play

By Gabe – November 29, 2006

I just wanted to mention two Child's Play related items. First the
Minibosses have an eBay auction up that benefits CP. It's essentially
a Minnibosses gift pack full of CD's, posters,shirts and whatever else
they can cram in there. Please hit the link for their auction and
remember it's all for Charity.

Second the deadline to purchase tickets for the Child's Play charity
dinner and auction
is approaching. We'll be closing ticket sales next
week. If you want to go and you haven't purchased your ticket yet
now is the time.

Also please take some time today to check out our list of hospitals
this year. If you haven't picked anything up yet please give it some
thought. It might just be a couple coloring books or even a package of
batteries. Trust me when I tell you that anything, no matter what it
is will be very much appreciated by these hospitals. Don't think that
just becasue you can't get the kids a PS3 you can't help. Some simple
things like Playdough actually need to be thrown away after each use.
Certain items that the kids like to play with collect germs and can
only be used once. They can never have too many containers of the
stuff. Or too many batteries for that matter. Or coloring books or
markers. Believe me when I tell you that you could spend five dollars
and really make a difference.

-Gabe out


By Tycho – November 29, 2006

(The weather here is pretty screwed up, slush and ice (with a chance of late afternoon blood) which kept us both home today.  In Spokane, there would be gravel out and other public safety measures, but when snow falls over on this side of the state people don't see it as weather, it's seen as a portent - evidence of an angry pantheon.  A single snowflake will fall on their windshield, and they will immediately swerve their SUV into a truck hauling fuel.  Faced with miles of ice and idiots between his home and work (and a reported eight hour commute), Gabe chose to hole up in Fort Krahulik, which means no tablet and no scanner.  I really like the result.)   

Two more things

By Gabe – November 28, 2006

We did a really awesome project (can I say it’s awesome, is that okay?) for Wired magazine. You can either go pick up the most recent issue and read it there or check it out on their site. They asked us to do a piece for them handicapping all three of the next generation systems. We tried to be as fair as we could and hopefully you’ll get a kick out of it.

PvP the animated series

By Gabe – November 27, 2006

So the big news today, in the world of web comics at least is that PvP is getting itself animated. Scott posted the news along with a little teaser over on his site. He’s actually writing the entire thing with the help of Kris Straub. I was a big fan of the old Blamimations they did together and I’ve told them both whenever possible that they needed to collaborate more. I make jokes when I’m uncomfortable and it just so happens I have issues with anxiety so I’m essentially uncomfortable all day. That means I spend a lot of my time making jokes. When Scott and Kris were up here visiting I hardly said a word. They’re just too funny and they’re always on. You just can’t compete with them, all you can do is laugh.


Wii, R6 and the Store

By Gabe – November 27, 2006

Joystiq had some interesting articles up over the weekend about introducing your family to the Wii. I actually had a similar experience. We had a house full of friends and family for Thanksgiving and the Wii was really the star of the show. Kara and I both had parents over and we actually had a hard time getting them off of Wii sports. I can’t even count how many rounds of bowling I must have played. It was amazing to watch how easily they picked it up and how much fun they had. What was great was watching Kara’s Dad who loves to bowl but can’t anymore because of his knees. I wouldn’t be surprised if he goes home this week and tries to pick one up.

The Turkey Trilogy, Episode Three

By Tycho – November 27, 2006

Our Turkey Triloging comes to a close with this, our denouement. Gabriel is, of course, a caricature of the genuine article. On the other hand, the grandma and the greasy fireman are only too real. I sometimes wish that the fireman were less real, particularly when I am sent to the basement on an errand.

The Turkey Trilogy, Episode Two

By Tycho – November 24, 2006

The Turkey Trilogy warbles into its second episode - in this installment, it is revealed that Gabriel has turkeys lurking in his lineage. It's All Tied Together with references to a mysterious religion set against the backdrop of galactic war.

Child's Play

By Tycho – November 22, 2006

Several crucial items(!!!)). For one, eight new hospitals have been recently added. Is one of them near you?


New Shirts!

By Gabe – November 22, 2006

We’ll be launching two new T Shirt designs on Monday as well as some new hoodies. The first shirt is called "Fruit Fucker Apocalypse".

The Turkey Trilogy, Episode One

By Tycho – November 22, 2006

The Turkey Trilogy is a thrilling, three-part story that only deals with turkey one time - and even then, it does so in a non-committal fashion. The narrative is really not focused on roasted birds. I hoe you will be able to overlook this shortcoming, and enjoy those parts which are tangential to heritage fowl.

A Word Of Thanks

By Tycho – November 20, 2006

Gears multi had just become a nightly fixture, and then - wholly without warning - it was over. A pack of downloadable maps (already in progress?) might give us another night or two on Sera, but the reality is that the rest of Team Inferno has moved on to Rainbow Six.


By Gabe – November 17, 2006

Penny Arcade turned eight years old today. Happy birthday to us!


Child's Play

By Gabe – November 17, 2006

The Child’s Play website has been updated with more events taking place all over the country. If you would like to set something up in your neck of the woods please send a mail over to Kristen. I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it here already but Kristen is actually in charge of Child’s Play this year. IF you’ve attended PAX you know her better as Princess Red Dot. She’s the voice on the loud speaker and the official “Mom” of the show. She actually did an interview with Fleen a couple weeks ago. If you missed it you can see it here.

Maximum Moisture

By Tycho – November 17, 2006

It was good news there for a little while, when PS1 games were five bucks a pop and you were changin' out that hard drive and still retaining your warranty - big, generous moves that asked hard questions of their primary competitor. Just days later, it's weird rumor after dark rumbling after grim report

Reading Between The Lines

By Tycho – November 15, 2006

We are mentioned briefly in the most recent Major Nelson Radio podcast, where we learn that the man apparently can't remember which one of us is which, even though he stood before us in our marble reception hall only days earlier. The end of the same podcast features an interview with one Chip Lang, Vice President of Online Commerce for Electronic Arts. The good Major keeps it social, and does not savage his guest, presumably because he likes his job and would like to keep it  Never fear!  We can do what he can't.

Child's Play

By Gabe – November 13, 2006

I wanted to mention all our Child’s Play auctions again just to make sure everyone is aware of them.