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Mysteries Of The Deep

By Tycho – September 29, 2006

Gabe was instructed to find and subsequently purchase the new Little Mermaid title for Kara, whose enthusiasm for teenaged fish has not abated since the film's release in nineteen-eighty-nine. I had the opportunity to hear him call no less than twelve places yesterday in search of the product, each time with a voice carefully modulated to insist that he had absolutely no interest in such a thing. There was less and less Gabriel left with each inquiry, until finally he was making the calls via the speakerphone, sprawled out on the floor.

Gears of War

By Gabe – September 27, 2006

I had some free time today and I thought about how long it had been since I did some good old fashioned fan art. So I thought about what games I am most excited for and then I sat down and whipped this up.


By Tycho – September 27, 2006

Platinum Studios, whose chairman Scott Rosenberg has something of a history in the print comics industry, is now - according to the New York Times - going to dip his tip into the moist world of webcomics. The most savory quotable goes:

This will be quick

By Gabe – September 25, 2006

So I am the big two nine today. I guess I have one more year of youthful indiscretion before old age is upon me. It seems like birthdays are a good time for reflection and so I hope you’ll forgive me if this is a little mushy.


The Secret Weapon

By Tycho – September 25, 2006

Stop whatever you're doing right now and watch this video - offered in HD for Windows Media or Quicktime. That's Level 5's White Knight Story, and I must stress for readers that Level 5 is in no way fucking around. That's how you sell us a Goddamn Playstation 3. We are almost impervious to many of the brands that define Sony's hardware: for us, Metal Gear Solid and Gran Turismo emit no will crushing pheromones. Compare that to the White Knight clip, which is a fairly comprehensive tour of my private desires.


By Tycho – September 22, 2006

There's a game that will be downloadable on the PS3 called "Flow" or "flOw" which I read about over at Kotaku, and in the comment thread discussing it a user threw out the links to a version playable online - it's pretty interesting.  You can click that link to play it, and you can also head over here (highly recommended) to delve into the philosophy behind it.  I think you'll be intrigued.


Eastern Delights

By Tycho – September 22, 2006

Otherwise engaged on Wednesday, Tokyo had a head start on us - its powerful newsings daring to accrue, even as we were being sodomized at the border crossing. Much of this content was indecipherable. But we can still point and shriek, like when a monolith descends.

In Breach Of Warranty

By Tycho – September 20, 2006

Mario Hoops 3-on-3 is impressive in many ways, as I've suggested: certainly as a technical showcase, it's nice to have in your bag. As a catalogue of Japanese aggression toward gamers, it's clear now that future generations will refer to these advanced cups as a deeply scandalous exhibit. I have seen a Goddamn ninja weave a dark circle, disappear with a burst of leaves in some strictly Hattori Hanzo type shit, and then phase back into the physical plane to haunt our mortal hoops.


A little help please

By Gabe – September 18, 2006

So I picked up my MacBook Pro a few months back and I would not call myself a convert but I do really like it. I’ve been doing all the basic iLife stuff, like making DVD’s of Gabe’s birthday party and photocasting pictures to the family. I am getting much more comfortable with the Mac but there are still some things I don’t quite understand and so I have a couple questions for you guys.

Assume The Worst

By Tycho – September 18, 2006

We were getting our hands on a four gig CompactFlash for the podcast recorder when the "friendly staff" gave us an idea for a new comic. Thank you, friendly staff! May nothing ever happen to your... staff.

I didn't do it!

By Gabe – September 15, 2006

I sort of have a reputation for being the hot headed one here at the Arcade. I think that’s probably fair to say. I have a habit of saying very mean things to people I don’t agree with. As much as I might try not to be that guy it’s just sort of become my role.



By Tycho – September 15, 2006

All the news about Nintendo's newest "thiing" is on the table, and now - with great consternation - the Internet responds. We obtained a digital audio recorder to make recording podcasts for you a straightforward enterprise, and I think we're close, but our extended meditation on today's facts and figures was somehow devoured by the machine I have just described. So, I'll try to remember the stuff that stood out.

A Bird Misused

By Tycho – September 13, 2006

Positive Sony news here, at Penny Arcade? I know, right? We shall redouble our efforts. The story all this was based on has been changed to say that none of it is true, or that very little of it is true (depending on who you ask), but if you're asking me I think the original story hit pretty close to the mark. The alternative - which is to say, that xFire technology would be used for a single game and no others - suggests that their service will be another briar patch of vendor "interpretations" of an online community, which can't possibly be true. I refuse to believe that, in this generation, they would leave something like this to chance.

Don't Download This Song

By Tycho – September 11, 2006

Have you heard Weird Al's new song?  It's pretty much required listening for Internet Enabled Citizens - made even easier to recommend by the addition of a video animated by Bill Plympton.


Horse D'Oeuvres

By Tycho – September 11, 2006

Wild of eye and manner, Gabriel burst into the room and offered up these choice morsels. Given the sensitivity of today's topic, I should stress that he did not offer up choice morsels of horse, horse morsels, which I suppose might be called horsels.