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An Alternate Nomenclature

By Tycho – April 15, 2005

It seems to me that they should call it Take All Of Your Money Spot instead of Keenspot, because of how they take your money all the time.

I Really Can't Stand Him Anymore

By Tycho – April 15, 2005

As of today, I've pretty much had it with Gabe. The strip you see here every other day is the result of my pure gold being forcibly commingled with his utterly tragic shit. For example, I know a seven syllable word for a common mental condition that he never lets me employ in the regular course of events. Come Monday, you're going to see Penny Arcade as it was always meant to be - with my own sure hand at the rudder. Erudite sailing analogies are just one more thing I bring to the table.

The garage

By Gabe – April 13, 2005

We are not going to make people play D&D in the garage. For one thing I am pretty sure that's not healthy. Also, if a car happens to drive through there's a good chance some of those kids won't make their dodge roll.


By Tycho – April 13, 2005

It was clear when the first volleys were fired at GDC that Microsoft, Sony, and the arrayed forces would clash in a brutal, blood drenched E3. They're sort of circling each other at the moment, like in the music video for Bad. We know where it all ends up, because we can fling our awareness forward in time.


Our Recent Adventures

By Tycho – April 11, 2005

Sakuracon gets more comfortable every year. Well, that's not exactly right. I think it might be better to say that as we survive each convention, we become more comfortable with the psychic onslaught it represents. A few scenes from the convention can be found in today's comic. Additional scenes are transcribed in this newspost.


By Gabe – April 8, 2005

If you are coming to Sakuracon and you would like to see one of our panels here are the dates and times:

Wish you were here

By Gabe – April 8, 2005

Shekhar Dhupelia is a producer at Midaway. He was cool enough to hook us up with an article for Friday. It’s going up a little early since we’ll all be at Sakuracon all weekend.Enjoy:



By Gabe – April 6, 2005

I’ve got BIG news people! I mentioned a few weeks ago that we resolved the legal issues surrounding our first book. Well now I am happy to announce that we will have soft and hard cover versions of Penny Arcade:Year 1 available at Sakuracon. About twenty boxes of books showed up today, finally released from the legal limbo they had been held prisoner in. These are the last of the year one books and it will never be printed again. So this is your opportunity to get your hands on our first and as of right now only book!


By Gabe – April 6, 2005

Don’t forget to come see us at Sakuracon this weekend. We’ll have shirts and stickers and about a dozen of the limited edition Twisp and Catsby prints. We’ll also be doing a couple panels and probably competing in some tournaments up in the game room.

A cut above

By Gabe – April 6, 2005

Tycho told me that he had people from the industry lined up to write news posts while he was gone. He even gave me the one I posted yesterday and explained the rest would arrive this week, well before I needed them. I should have known that was too good to be true.

He does not front a little

By Gabe – April 5, 2005

If you can’t wait until PAX to see the one and only MC Frontalot perform live on stage, you don’t have to. Just get yourself to NYC on Wednesday May 11th for his show at the Slipper Room. You can find all the details on his site. If you can make it I highly recommend that you do. The Front puts on quite a show.


Sakura Con

By Gabe – April 4, 2005

Sakura Con is this weekend. I do hope you’ll come out and say hello. Please come. I mean it, these anime kids will fucking murder us. I mentioned that we have new stickers available and that was no lie. I stuck a few of them around the PA office and then snapped some pictures. You can come to Sakura Con and get all three stickers for just a buck.

Behind the scenes

By Gabe – April 4, 2005

I got a lot of positive responses to the new CTS image I posted yesterday. My plan is to make this CTS image the next limited edition print and then use the pic I did of Gabe and Tycho on the subway for a new poster.

Old Friends

By Tycho – April 4, 2005

We met Geoff Zatkin when we were invited to speak at Digipen a while back. Being a person who plays a lot of videogames I'd created this image of a wizened "game designer" that was part shaman and part puppeteer, and to actually come into contact with one was intimidating. He's a nice enough guy, but when people asked us questions on the panel we would just spit up something offensive and he would respond with a series of extremely relevant statistics. To think that his art is committed largely in the tables of Excel, submerged in numbers and their relationships to one another is something that really humanized the process for me.


By Gabe – April 1, 2005

I drew this today, do you like it?