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We took a moment to imagine what it would be like to inform a younger Gorb that they had a chance to draw some of the most famous comic characters of all time, in an official capacity, and it quickly became complex. As for 2014, sometimes called "Mike Krahulik's Tour Of Shitaly," we used to go there once every couple weeks and since that fateful day he hasn't been there in almost a decade. It's unknown what hostile organism took a seat at the very levers of his body but apparently he managed to "shit out of his eyes," which is a startling and unprecedented state of affairs.

Golgolfa Returns

I think that Gabir and I are just… mutants, beclawed things accustomed to the same moist environs prized by fungi. I've talked about it a lot on this page, but there isn't anything wrong with Golf. I don't need Golf to be an MMO and I don't need RPG shit or classes or crafting in it. It isn't spackled with unsightly grime that needs polished off, nor is it without inherent virtue and thus in need of adornment.

Doing Jerk Stuff

I thought that I had defeated Australia, with all the beasts and malevolent flora it could muster, but some errant spore musta got in because I slept until 10:30am. There was no school so I didn't set my customary alarm, and I was surprised to learn that in the absence of this simple nudge I apparently revert directly to wastrel bachelordom with no intermediate steps.

The Chew-zic Of The Spheres

After a day home from Aus, things have been upgraded to "essentially stable" from their original configuration, which was "cloakéd in a dense, surreal fog." This means that we may take up our ancient tools and set to work, confident that it will find itself posted within the sacred guardrails of linear time.


Happy 25th Anniversary to Fallout!

Back in 2008 Jerry and I got the opportunity to create a series of comics for Fallout 3. We were given the freedom to create our own Vault and tell the stroy of its dwellers. That is exactly what we did and you can read the tale of Valut 77 right here:

It Figures

This really happened! There is an even dorkier version of Warhammer 40k, one where you reenact historical battles in the setting. Yeah. Now: are these "historical" battles also, technically, set in the future? Yeah. I don't know what to tell you. Anyway, he bought a sack of grey dolls from a man he doesn't entirely know using cash. That's the "How It's Going" panel in the meme that catalogs the gravity of his descent.


I am writing this post and putting it into the system ahead of time because I am literally too dumb to understand what is about to happen with these flights and time and so forth. I know the strip is about Kill Team, but only because I put it in the database already. The backend and its precious numbers are like a buoy I am desperately clinging to.

Bayard's Revenge!

The Warhammer Community Team sent me the amazing new Black Templar mini, Bayard’s Revenge! I got it a couple weeks ago and spent more time painting it than any other mini I’ve worked on. I’m not a pro or anything but I’m still very proud of how this model came out!




Blank Space

I'm not currently in a position to know what's going on with Overwatch 2. I heard that people are mad; unfortunately there are a few different things they might be mad at. Plus, everyone is mad all the time. I even read that some people were confused about how much the game would cost, when it's… I mean, it's free. It's a freemium thing. It was already being monetized like a freemium game, a fact you can verify with any friend who tried to collect all of an event's skins, and now they've simply closed the loop.

Central Command

Star Wars, like Marvel, is well out of the free pass zone and well into the wait and see zone. I've been instructed well by the D+ cadence, which is to say that you really, really have to wait for the episode after the ones they release initially. You have to see the middle of these shows to know. After four of these, I think we can call it: Andor is completely unlike their other efforts. Someone appears to have thought the entire thing through.

Le Strip d'Escalier

I remember back when Gabriel's most tender realms tried to manifest themselves here, in The World. I didn't see him for a while. I do often think about the first part there, where his shit was trying to get out, but he didn't know what was happening. That seems quite unpleasant. And this was immediately after having the flu, then having food poisoning. My own form, lumpen and greased with sebum though it may be, doesn't do that. It punched in like forty years ago and just does its business. My suspicion is that all the bills - for my wickedness, for my sloth, and for an pronounced "Wastrel Era" - will all just come due at once.



Because I was getting wild, looking up the latest world ending apocalypses on Twitch for the last post, now my phone thinks I give a shit that this incomprehensibly rich motherfucker doesn't like some other incomprehensibly rich motherfucker. When you watch Twitch, you're watching the cameras installed at some kind of psychotic daycare. You see videos sometimes where streamers are trying to finally manufacture some kind of work-life balance at incredible personal cost, and the only thing that distinguishes them from traditional hostage videos is the nice camera. It doesn't seem like a nice place or even a good job.


Strips about Grub's birthday are probably the most robust subcategory of Penny Arcade content, just edging out the occasional ostrich or giraffe. There are lots and lots. And now we have offered up another one, which Gabriel has embroidered with something akin to birthday lore - we can see the traditional Czech garb for Gabrílstrana, the customary trout holstered and at the ready. Happy Birthday, man. As a present, you can paint any really big, setpiece miniature of mine that you want up to the "Parade ready" standard. It's my treat! Oh, and thanks for my whole career and stuff. I genuinely appreciate it.


Maybe such things "hit different" when you are also a maker of things. Most of our stuff is delivered hot and fresh, as though from the back of a truck, so the idea that we could have worked on something for years and years and not have released it doesn't map fully onto the GTA leaks. I wouldn't even work on something with that long a lead time; it's completely outside my nature. I hate the things I make almost immediately after I've finished them! Frankly, I think the sentence before this one could use some fuckin' work. I would begin hating whatever I was working on a week or so in and then I'd have to work on it for four more years.