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The Other Side

By Tycho – August 11, 2004

Doom 3 is dark, etc. Also, an imp develops a unique method for dominating humanity and two zombies have a dialogue about respect.

Windows XP SP 2

By Tycho – August 10, 2004

I'm downloading Windows XP Service Pack 2 even as we speak, as it hates viruses and worms and buffer exploits and other issues that have sort of become synonymous with the OS. I've had an earlier version on this machine as well as the laptop Gabe and I share - one of the more overt changes is to the control panels for using Wi-Fi, I think you'll probably like that. Big Firewall changes, too. You can look at the release notes yourself while it downloads, but I found the review over at the Supersite for Windows to be more than adequate.

A Shirt Or Two

By Tycho – August 10, 2004

I was going to mention Kiko's new shirts when we got back from the Comic-Con, but they weren't available just yet - he's got a cool Gamer Girl baby tee, an RPG themed shirt, and his coin slot inspired 3up. Hot, hot, and hot.


PAX update

By Gabe – August 10, 2004

I have some more PAX announcements to make.

I'm back

By Gabe – August 10, 2004

I survived my week in the woods and I feel pretty good. It ended up raining almost the entire time we were there which meant that everyone was stuck indoors. Thankfully I had the wisdom to bring a Gamecube and a PS2. Much of my time at the lake was actually spent inside playing Warioware, Karaoke Revolution and Tales of Symphonia. Pretty much everyone in Kara’s family is an incredibly talented singer. Each and every one of them was born with the ability to hear a song once and then reproduce it almost perfectly. This is not something I can do. It’s not even something I can comprehend. They all got hooked on Karaoke Revolution and battled it out tournament style each night. Kara ended up winning the whole thing by nailing a 100% perfect score on a Nora Jones song. I did a rendition of “I hate everything about you” that I would describe as emotionally charged. It certainly got a laugh out of everyone present and I was asked to repeat it at various points during the week for the benefit of family members who had not heard it yet. This became my signature song and out of respect it was never performed by anyone else again.

Games at PAX

By Tycho – August 6, 2004

Okay, I have the final lists of the Microsoft and Ubisoft games you'll be able to check out at PAX. You will understand how a person could get excited:


The Eye Of The Beholder

By Tycho – August 6, 2004

While you are digesting today's comic, I have something that might give you a bit of context.

I Am In Big Trouble

By Tycho – August 4, 2004

One of my big problems is that I will often say things that I don't really mean, simply because I can state whatever it is with precision. This tends to create a lot of problems for me socially, but at the same time creating a sentence with an undeniably clear purpose - regardless of the purpose itself - produces in me an elation which I find difficult to describe. I could try to do it now, and I bet it would feel really good, but I actually have a point I'm trying to get across.

PAX Items

By Tycho – August 4, 2004

A few new announcements regarding our big thing:

Newspost V2.0

By Tycho – August 4, 2004

Let me try this again. I've played it a few more hours since last we spoke, and I have another way of going about it that does away with the specific references and the benchmark-type trivia that characterizes our prior conversation.


Der Hornen

By Tycho – August 4, 2004

He has returned, but don't get too excited. It's just for this one comic, and then he's going back.


By Tycho – August 3, 2004

Before Gabe hit the road, he asked me very politely to mention his new sketch dump over at GabeArt, and I didn't do it. He doesn't say what they are, but the cowboys he drew are an updated form of a comic we've always planned to do called Sand. It has a ridiculously elaborate backstory, as all post-apocalyptic westerns should.

That Inauspicious Event

By Tycho – August 2, 2004

We could not have made up the special Bald Eagle Family T-Shirts, we simply don't have the ability to conjure an image of that power. Everything in this strip is quite true, Doom is coming out, country bait stores rarely carry software, and I desperately hope that Gabriel dies in water. Please say a silent prayer for Gabriel as he endures this week. Special Alternate Task For Atheists: Deny your maker.


By Gabe – July 31, 2004

This guy was at Otakon I guess. That might be the coolest thing ever.