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The Flavor Dimension

By Tycho – April 30, 2004

I've mentioned Codename: Panzers with enthusiasm on more than one occasion - Panzers, with its RTS/RPG hybrid gameplay and fancy multiplayer modes. I just saw on VE3D that there's a demo available for the game - not sure what features are included, might be fun to take the full co-op for a spin.

I Must Warn You

By Tycho – April 30, 2004

When you read this article, you will have an orgasm. Take whatever precautions you deem necessary.

'Tag List

By Tycho – April 30, 2004

Looks like there's a PA "Group" for finding gamertags over at Snackbar Games. Another handy way to do it.


By Gabe – April 30, 2004

The PAX site got updated again with some cool new stuff. Here's a list of some of the new additions:


Welcome To Matrimony Theatre

By Tycho – April 30, 2004

The bear issue notwithstanding, her fixation on the outside world is shrouded in mystery. While it is incontrovertible that The Night-time Is The Right Time, I submit that it is the right time for absolute translation into a Massive role-playing game and not the right time to have one's foot pierced by a discarded hypodermic needle in a public park.

Mario brothers, Part IV

By Tycho – April 28, 2004

The fourth part of that epic Mario Brothers saga I told you about is up. Haven't seen it yet, hopefully I didn't just send you to a flash movie featuring some guy's prong.

Splinter Cell Stuff

By Gabe – April 28, 2004

Page 10 of our Splinter Cell book is online now. Page 11 should actually go up a little later today. We asked them to put up both pages together since it helps to read them together.

Interactive Fiction

By Tycho – April 28, 2004

One of the guys I was talking to at that first party on Saturday night said a few things about Interactive Fiction, i.e. Text Adventures. He just sent me a mail I thought you might enjoy - (CW)TB


Cosmos 1.1 for World Of Warcraft

By Tycho – April 28, 2004

These guys have been asking me to post their cool new Interface tools for WoW, and I told them I'd put them in front of people - so here you are. It's a pretty neat suite of functions, but the main reason they wanted me to mention it is that their Auction Manager functionality is shit hot, but requires that this client be installed on everybody who wants to use it. I think the best case scenario for them would be complete ubiquity for their package, and since they're plugging what I see as holes in the existing interface it's a noble goal.

E3 Meet And Greet Thingamajob

By Tycho – April 28, 2004

Anyone who attended E3 last year and came by to see us probably didn't enjoy being kicked out of the place four separate times, ultimately being exiled out by the road if they had the patience to hang around.


By Gabe – April 28, 2004

Let’s pretend for a moment that I was sick and tired of trying to create works of art that were funny or interesting. Instead I decided to become a worthless political cartoonist, scrawling my work on the backs of paper dinosaurs and eagerly anticipating the next tragedy so that I could draw a picture of a bald eagle crying on a torn American flag. If that’s what I decided to do, then my first cartoon might be a drawing of a mouse trap which I would label “Star Wars Galaxies”. Inside the mouse trap I would draw a piece of cheese and I would label it “The Jump to Light Speed expansion”. Then off to the side I would draw an octopus that would represent America’s foreign policy pre 9-11.

Jump To Light-thpeed

By Tycho – April 28, 2004

I was just telling Gabriel that this strip would be an excellent opportunity to use the word "urethra," and I was dead right. Many of the strips in the Penny Arcade canon did, in their original iterations, include some reference to this private canal which was subsequently redacted by my cohort.



By Gabe – April 26, 2004

We’ve fixed the problem with the PAX pre-registration system that kept you Canadians from signing up. We have also updated the PAX web site with more special guests so go take a look. You will see that we’ve added Optimus Rhyme to the list of musical guests. I think it’s safe to say that come Saturday night, the joint will be jumping.


By Gabe – April 26, 2004

I had a really good time at Sakuracon this year. Thanks to everyone that stopped by the booth to say hello. We had requested a booth next to Sweet Kitty again this year and I can tell you it was the right decision. We were exposed to a parade of new and delicious Japanese candy products each day. I want you all to call in sick one day this week, drive out to Kent and visit the Sweet Kitty store. They have candy there that will blow your fucking mind!

City Of Etcetera

By Tycho – April 24, 2004

I'm at the con goofing around on a borrowed laptop, and I saw some things that might interest you.