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Oh My God!

By Tycho – September 29, 2003

The Bard's Tale! It's back!

Links 2004 or Tiger Woods can eat my ass

By Gabe – September 29, 2003

I know I've been sort of quiet on the site recently but that's just because I've been so damn busy. I mentioned a while back that we are making a four page Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon comic to go along with Ubi Soft's new game. The pressure of creating something that will essentially be CTHD canon is overwhelming. Sony and Ubi Soft have given us these characters to tell a story and we're working really hard to make something worthy of the CTHD name. A few of you asked and so I'll just say it here, the comic will be available online at the CTHD website next month some time for free.

Return Of The King Trailer

By Tycho – September 29, 2003

Saw this over at Evil Avatar, and it seemed like something you'd want to know about. And of course, AIX Gaming has our backs again with a Torrent link. Let's get that file seeded up right, so none of our geeky brethren must suffer in the absence of this trailer.

Links 2004

By Tycho – September 29, 2003

Tiger Woods 2004 frustrates Gabe to no end when played online, and I was going to discuss it, but the only thing you could really compare it to would be Links 2004 which isn't even out. A simple request for info on the multiplayer options in Links led to an offer to try it out and come to our own conclusions - as well as give Top Spin and Project Gotham Racing 2 a whirl. So, we might as well do that. We'll go over there today, and I'd imagine that impressions and wild, subjective gesturing will go up Wednesday. Links 2004 is not, as I understand, anywhere near as feature rich as Tiger - but if it can deliver in multiplayer, it'll have the longevity.


The Marketeers

By Tycho – September 29, 2003

The claim that I was actually good at my telemarketing job was made primarily for your amusement, and is not informed by actual events. Even if I were good at tricking people over the phone, it wouldn't be the sort of thing that generates pride or should be publicly announced. In reality, working there produced a scenario that was almost inconceivably melodramatic.

A Hideous Oversight

By Tycho – September 26, 2003

I neglected to mention that a very brief, low-content site for Final Fantasy XII is now available - interestingly, the poster-style preview image appears to depict a bangaa in the lower-left corner - the bangaa being a reptile race just introduced in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Hmm

Thank Christ

By Tycho – September 26, 2003

A BitTorrent link for The Matrix Revolutions trailer. If you need the BitTorrent client, by all means, grab it.

A Word From Our Thponsorth

By Tycho – September 26, 2003

I wanted to thank Mythic for advertising their Trials of Atlantis expansion with us. What I saw at E3 looked great, and I praised them since then for upgrading their game engine with each expansion. Trials of Atlantis lets you, among other things, ride friendly sea creatures - and we that sort of activity wholeheartedly.


Of Interest

By Tycho – September 26, 2003

There's a bunch of great stuff coming out of the Tokyo Game Show, a summary of which is easy to grab at Gamespot. Of personal interest to me is this Monster Hunter Trailer, which looks like an invigorating online Action RPG, a welcome Mega Man RPG, that Phantasy Star Online Card Game for whatever reason, and, obviously, a little Ghost never hurt nobody.At the same show, Nintendo announced a wireless adapter for their GBA. I was excited about it, until I realized games needed to support it specifically. As it stands, I'll care about something like this when it's built in to the GameBoy that comes out next year, you know? The one developers apart from Nintendo will actually give a fuck about.

(Tiger) Woo

By Tycho – September 26, 2003

Okay, maybe I do care a little, just not enough to discuss it with Gabe all Goddamn afternoon. As a golf game, Tiger Woods 2004 is very near perfect - as the sequel to Tiger Woods 2003, they were starting from a pretty good point. For new features, we've got Game Face (the facility we describe in the strip) which allows you to create an eerily accurate representation of yourself. Then you can delete that representation and use Tiger Woods or the variant Super Duper Sunday Tiger, which is like an unstoppable golf cyborg. There's also a vastly expanded Pro Shop, where you can procure "Lucky" garb for your character, some of it in sales that change daily. Look out for "Real Time Events," such as eclipses or birthdays, that will offer unique challenges. This is all quite apart from the huge number of courses, which include holes you must maneuver the ball into. As a golf game, it's pretty hard to beat. The only chink in its armor is the online play, and if - as a satisfied fan of the 2003 version - you purchased the game explicitly for its online additions, obviously that's going to stick out.


By Tycho – September 24, 2003

Some real info on Bioware's new RPG franchise, Jade Empires.



By Tycho – September 24, 2003

Dynasty Tactics 2 should be on that list, if my PS2 hadn't decided that it had read quite enough discs, thank you very much. This sucks for many reasons, not least of all that I hadn't finished Silent Hill 3 yet.

Believe Me, We Tried

By Tycho – September 24, 2003

I really must maintain that I have no inherent lust for Doom 3. I have to buy it, of course - out of a misguided sense of tradition, which they are no doubt banking on. I'm being serious, though. Read this love letter to id on it over at GameSpot and tell me if it sounds like any original ideas made it in. I submit that they have not.


By Gabe – September 22, 2003

I think Savage is awesome. I have no clue why you would ever play as the humans though. In all the games I’ve played I’ve never seen the humans win a round. They also can’t call down bolts of lightning to destroy their enemies. If I had any complaint about the game I’d say it needs a third race something fierce. Other than that I have no problems at all with it and I’ve been playing it pretty much every night.

The Day Is Full Of Moments

By Tycho – September 22, 2003

You'll find that the average day is honeycombed with perfectly good moments to invest in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. At least, that's what we found, and we weren't even looking very hard. Also, you'll note that I mentioned Desert Combat in the strip - let me establish that the version I'm playing is .4, the most recent one, and let me further establish that as of this release I think that this mod has EA on the run. Secret Weapons is real fun, and I don't regret purchasing it - but with a growing stable of fine maps and exquisite vehicles, Desert Combat is quickly becoming the definitive Battlefield 1942 experience.