Just a quick update here, a bunch of really interesting news popped up today.

Just a quick update here, a bunch of really interesting news popped up today.
Explaining this strip would be impossible, except to say that it is - like the Claw Shrimp strip - a precise transcript of a conversation. I know that there are people who come by Penny Arcade exclusively for the cock talk, and who are we to deny them?
I just thought I would post his comment here since the link to it seems to be getting hammered. It’s interesting that he believes that saying he’s not going to post there anymore is some kind of punishment to the community. He is a PR guy. That’s like the fucker who fills my inbox with Viagra spam telling me he’s sick of my attitude and so he won’t be sending me anymore mails about turning my dick into a monster.
This strip won't make as much sense if you haven't read Alex "Marweas" Rodberg's now legendary quote from this RelicNews forum thread. And let's be absolutely transparent - he and I do not disagree materially on the quality of forum discourse in the most general sense. In fact, I believe I'm quoted as saying that they "appear to incubate and empower a twisted menagerie of fucking assholes." And no-one knows better than I do how difficult, almost impossible it is to please truly dedicated gamers. These are all matters quite apart from how the public face of a company should comport itself.
Here is an excerpt from a letter I got from a game store employee. I chose this letter because it covers many of the same issues I got from other employees.
Otogi is like Shinobi only with better graphics, better music, better level design, a more robust combat system including the ability to purchase new weapons and magic that will alter your characters stats and combos, tighter controls and a camera that actually works. The fact that most stores are only ordering half of a copy though means it might be difficult to get your hands on one. Once again the Pre-ordering system fucks the average gamer in the ass. It's the same thing that happened with REZ, ICO and APEX. They don't get many pre-orders so they only get in a few copies. Then everyone realizes what an awesome game it is and you can't fucking buy it anywhere.
Otogi impressed me a good deal at E3, but after the demo on Official Xbox magazine I had resolved not to get it. I'm told now that the demo section was basically a lobotomized version of a level later in the game, and it didn't help that the disc that comes with that magazine never quite seems to agree with my machine. In any case, readers gave me their guarantee that we would not be disappointed - and you won't be either, if you are enthused about straight-ahead, balls-out action games. The game is largely characterized by its diverse weapon selection, destructible environments, its lavish presentation and just a hint of basil.
Speaking of Moding I’d like to direct your attention to Redeyepc.com. If you’re looking for some lights or cables or whatever check them out and help support a couple PA fans, starting your own business isn't easy. If you live in the Seattle area you should swing by their shop in the Alderwood mall. They have a small kiosk near the Gamestop.
Two or three days ago I developed an aversion to e-mail and e-mail clients, related but not entirely due to the ravages of the Sobig virus. I'm just saying that mailing me at the moment will probably not produce a reply. And when I say probably, I mean that I swear on my life that I will not.
Just a quick post to let you all know that Club PA members this month will receive the first four pages of the new CTS comic "Purity" as well as a spiffy cover image. I showed them off at the Lanwerx event and they seemed to be a hit. So go ahead and join up if you're interested in seeing some new CTS action.
Gabriel is now trying his hand at the Modder's art, which has not been met with universal enthusiasm. For my part, I already practically run a home for machines he abuses, and that was before he started trying to pimp them out with hydraulics or Dremel the Tasmanian Devil on the side.
Humans are so mad right now, mad that Nintendo is making them buy a GameBoy Advance in order to play Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. As today's comic makes so plain, Nintendo's treachery leaps straight over garden variety malice and might even be called a vendetta.
Wow. I don’t know what to say. You guys seem determined to hate this game.
I have been meaning to talk about Crystal Chronicles for a while now but I’ve just been playing it instead. I took a break to check out some forums and get some tips when I saw this post:
I think it’s fake. I’d say it’s a publicity stunt. The company that made all the videos and the website does some bad ass work. My guess is that this is their way of getting their name out. I mean come on, first they miss E3, then they miss GDC and the fucking thing is called the Phantom for Christ’s sake.
It really comes down to this: is it a hoax, or are the forces involved in making this system absolutely inept? I'd call that six of one or a half dozen of the other.