Tender Penny Arcade reader Sean McDonald writes:

Tender Penny Arcade reader Sean McDonald writes:
Even with a planet-a-day Kotor habit and now God Damned Mario Golf there in the Cube, the production of marbled, USDA choice comics is our chief concern. You could say this strip was co-written by Suzanne Vega, which is even sort of true.
It's like three in the morning now, so I can't call him - but I know he'd be interested in this info on the new Samurai Spirits (also known as Samurai Shodown).
My affection for KOTOR only grew stronger while I was away, and there's no telling for certain but don't be surprised if it becomes the topic of more than one additional comic. I got back from the Necrowombicon today around four o'clock, and played it for about ten straight hours - wrapping up another world and learning some really crazy shit. I've got all these custom lightsabers for different tactical situations, color-coded for quick access. If you are a droid, let's say, and you see that violet saber come out? Let me tell you briefly what that represents. It means I'm going to make such a mess of you that people will think Jackson Pollock had been there.
When we only had two advertisers a month, it wasn't hard for me to keep up with thanking them - but since they've started to take the site very seriously in this regard, I've fallen somewhat behind. We're still very picky, of course, and we turn down ads all the time. That is probably not a good business practice, but we have the luxury here to be able to do the right thing. In any case, we've had some really cool things on here the last few months that I wish I had been more demonstrative about.
Jesus Christ. I like writing and everything, I like it a lot. I like writing for you. But you are lucky indeed that I sit now before this screen, depositing words of varying length, new comic in tow, having summoned the strength to stop playing Knights Of The Old Republic.
I wish that weren't true, but it's out of our hands. We can't do that and get the store ready and do Necrowombicon and get all of Gabe's shit moved, we aren't enough people to do all of this stuff at the same time and we can't pay for all of it. I'm sorry to be typing this, because until we got back from San Diego I thought the whole thing was essentially in the bag. I told a lot of people there about it and now I am a huge liar.
Because Gabe's shit is all out of sorts on account of his move, I'm picking up the slack and playing enough Knights Of The Old Republic for two men. I do this while I sip twelve year old Scotch neat. For you, dear readers. For you.
I helped Gabe move a bunch of his shit into the new apartment, where we hope that the spiders will not find him. In the meantime, he asks that I ferry his kind regards, being sure to let you know that he will be nigh inaccessible via e-mail and is unlikely to be doing much posting.
What is it like to sign a woman's chest?
We occasionally produce comics.
I used to love that book.
Comic Con is in full swing and we're having a blast. We thought that some of you who have purchased one of our shirts might be wondering how exactly your money gets spent. I think today's comic strip is a pretty accurate representation of our spending habbits.
Hello, there.
Div wanted to touch briefly on the auctions that surround the Massively Multiplayer genre. Who are we to disagree, really.
I made some changes to the comic for today in order to make it read better. I think it rocks now.