
Two things:
I keep hoping I'll see that fuckhole Rick Steves while I'm over here. Yes, that Rick Steves, PBS Rick Steves, Mr. Knows All About Europe, I'm Going To Punch Him In The Face Rick Steves.
A new comic strip can be found here.
The Necrowombicon is approaching and we here at the arcade are getting pretty damn excited. For those of you unfamiliar with the wombicon let me break it down for you. Imagine a two day Penny Arcade festival full of videogames, music and dorks just like you and I. Tycho and I along with a few members of the PA crew will be in attendance again this year. You can find all the details here along with instructions on how to register for the event. This will be our third Wombicon and I can tell you with all honestly it is shaping up to be the best ever.
As if the fact that the Nokia N-Gage is a pile of shit was not enough by itself to keep gamers everywhere from purchasing it, the head of Nokia’s entertainment division decided to insult his target audience. In an article over at Gamespot he had this to say regarding their competition.
On behalf of everyone here at PA, I would like to extend our best wishes to PA reader John who was diagnosed with cancer when he was 18. Now 19 his cancer has gone into remission and his friends tell me he is apparently doing quite well. This is just a note to let you know that about 2 million gamers are rooting for you John.
If Italy were a videogame, Venice would be the second level.
The last comic in the FF mini series.
Here is the best info I have seen yet on SNK vs. Capcom. These guys are down in Japan right now and videotaped their adventure to go play test the new fighter. Not sure how their site will handle the link but they sent me an email asking for it.
My grandfather once told me that he could make smoke come out of my ears, and I believed him. We were talking about a being who could produce money virtually on demand, and also appeared to have a limitless supply of bubblegum. I was willing to see this for myself, people made smoke rings and so forth, perhaps this procedure was related to that.
We saw something our last day in Rome that shut me right up. We went to something called the Cappuchine Crypt, where an order of monks made sculptures out of the bodies of brothers that had been returned to them. Each of five or six small rooms had their floors spread with earth from Jerusalem, and over this they combines different bones into patterns, flowers and other designs. An effigy of death itself held hourglass also made out of bones, for example - and a scythe made out of shoulder blades.
The continuity continues!
I typed in all those Goddamn newsposts and dated them for the future, I figured I was kosher up until Monday at least. We'll discuss things like Italian Traffic and CounterStrike next time, I'll make sure I track down another Cafe where I can do this kind of shit from.
Here is the new comic, enjoy.
I talked to Tycho a bit yesterday and he told me it should be me in Europe not him since I can appreciate art in a way that he cannot. Unfortunately I don’t like leaving my house so going to Europe is kind of difficult. I have been getting better recently though and this leads me to believe that soon I may actually be able to go to a foreign country. For example E3 is usually the only trip I take every year and I spend it either at the show or in the hotel room. The other guys head off to all the fancy parties while I sit back at the room and play games. I do this for a few different reasons. Mainly I have an overwhelming fear of getting lost. I am not sure if I got lost as a child or something but somehow my brain got fucked and now I cannot go anyplace that is not the kitchen without first thoroughly mapping out the route I will take and making sure that I have several back up plans should something unexpected happen. I’m not jut talking about trips out of state here either I am talking about going downtown.