Most of you have probably already seen it, but this message is for those who - like myself - had held off for whatever reason. Please watch the fourth installment of the Animatrix. I found it horrifying.

Most of you have probably already seen it, but this message is for those who - like myself - had held off for whatever reason. Please watch the fourth installment of the Animatrix. I found it horrifying.
Continuity Schmontinuity, that's my motto - we're switching it up. What are we doing these days to dull the horror of sentience? I'll tell you this much: there's a very special game we aren't playing. As I'm sure you can imagine, Gabe doesn't play it more than I do.
On the PC, I seek out cool utilities that provide rich functions all the time, but apparently I need to widen my view a bit and examine what is available homebrewed on Consoles as well.
This site is about games right?
I've been hearing about "Xbox Live 2.0" for quite a while, now - some of the ideas they've implemented might even have come from that "Xbox Live Boot Camp" event we went to a while back, where they seemed fairly genuine in their interest as they asked our opinions. So, lobbies separate from any game with voice support to get games started up. A very cool feature, but check this shit out.
Well I can’t play it yet so I can’t really talk about it.
Are you going to talk about that "doodling" game? Or what?
Phone no worky so I call the phone company:
Dammit, I thought I had time.
Human beings wanted to know how Gabriel losing his pants could possibly lead to continuity. Now you know.
I won’t lie to you. I have fought off my share of imaginary dark Jedi in my parent’s basement using only a broom stick and some light saber noises. I did not however videotape it. God bless this poor son of a bitch. His public humiliation might be the funniest thing I see all year.
Now I am getting angry mail from people saying I broke Tycho's mind. Listen, that guy was fucked up when I met him. He pulls crazy shit like this all the time. If you were ever under the impression that he was a sane individual you were mistaken. Sometimes we will be sitting around playing games and he will just start singing that fucking song. This is the kind of shit I have to put up with on a daily basis! I deserve a goddamned award for not having killed him in his sleep years ago.
Listen buddy I apologize for rocking so hard in front of you all the time. I know it’s really not fair to you. But you have gone over the edge with that fucking song. I think it might be time to think about some counseling.
I post that Goddamn video of Gabe's, and now every mail in my Inbox is "Gabe's Awesome" or "Gabe Rox." Fuck that. I've got that Greatest Hits shit, bitch. What the fuck does he got?
There is kind of a cool fan project over yonder which you might appreciate, if you like the RPGs. They crave new members who will help them populate their database of Role-Playing Games.