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The Hook Up

By Gabe – February 7, 2003

A new edition of the Hookup is now available. Stormy answers some more of your home theatre related questions so be sure and check it out.

Thursday night Halo

By Gabe – February 7, 2003

Thursday night Halo continues to be a weekly event for team Penny Arcade. There's usually around thirty or so people there every Thursday. Among that group there is a team of gentlemen who I believe are ranked somewhere around third in the state. These guys are absolute monsters at this game and playing against them is what the French call "a fucking bitch". Often times team Penny Arcade is broken in half, a few of us placed with each team as a sort of handicap or anchor. In fact, boxes with PA players on them are referred to as bricks.

SimCity Patch

By Tycho – February 7, 2003

I never told you if re-installing my SimCity 4 without the transportation pack fixed my problem. It did.


Mein Birthtag

By Tycho – February 7, 2003

Also, many thanks to humans who wrote in to wish me a happy birthday. I appreciate your tolerating me this week.

Grab Bag

By Tycho – February 7, 2003

Many, many small items.



By Gabe – February 6, 2003

This is a quote from that SWG thread:


By Gabe – February 6, 2003

I have gotten a few mails about Haden’s SWG post. I know a lot of fans are pretty pissed but none of it really bothers me. It’s not like he said that stuff would never be in the game. It just won’t be there at launch. The player generated missions is kind of a bummer. I plan on playing a bounty hunter and I imagined people not fulfilling the delivery jobs they took from other players as being a large part of my business. You give a guy a case of guns to deliver and he just takes the guns and runs you call me and I solve your problem. Oh well, I’ll just have to wait for that part I guess.

PA animated show

By Gabe – February 6, 2003

I wonder how many people will think you are kidding about the pilot episode we wrote.

Retales Redux

By Tycho – February 5, 2003

I'm actually glad to say that I'm not familiar with District Managers, I feel no shame in being wrong about that.



By Gabe – February 5, 2003

I worked retail for a long time, so these pages form the EB employee hand book stir up some pretty bad memories for me. People who have worked retail for any amount of time can share stories like veterans of some foreign war. It is a shared experience that allows people who would otherwise probably never get along to laugh and joke like old college buddies.


By Tycho – February 5, 2003

There is a really interesting post by Haden Blackman (a.k.a. "Shug Ninx," Lucasarts Producer on Star Wars Galaxies) about features that have been culled from the launch and reserved for future updates. They include some fairly big-ticket omissions.


By Tycho – February 5, 2003

There is that special feeling in the air, all around us, the feeling that only comes once a year on Tycho's Birthday Eve. Let's savor it together.