So I played a bunch of SOCOM yesterday and I think it's pretty damn good. I played the multiplayer first, just because that is what I was most curious about. People have been asking me how easy it was to set up the broadband adaptor and I guess it's pretty easy. I say I guess because I turned around to take the wrapping off the game and by the time I had finished struggling with that little sticker thing on the top of the case Tycho had already set up the BBA and was waiting for me. He said he just had to hit "X" like 5 times and it was done. I logged in and was able to jump right into a game with no problems. The lobby interface is simple and easy to navigate. Once I was in a game I was able to select my weapons load out and then I was dropped in as an observer while I waited for the next round to begin. It took a while to get used to the controls but once I started to feel comfortable aiming and strafing with the analog sticks I was having a blast. The voice chat via the included headset was clear and easy to use. Holding down "O" allows you to speak to your teammates CB style. While most of the conversations centered on the sucking of things or the romantic escapades of my mother, occasionally I found myself on a team that actually used the voice chat to work as a unit.