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Even Toontown isn't safe

By Gabe – May 6, 2002

As Tycho mentioned our Import Gaming 101 feature is now online. Please keep sending me your import gaming questions. I have already spoken to Travis about it and he would be happy to continue answering your questions in this manner. If you do decide to try importing games you should defiantly do it through his shop, I have dealt with them on quite a few occasions now and they certainly get the Penny Arcade seal of approval.

You aren't even my real dad

By Gabe – May 4, 2002

Nothing I do is ever good enough for you. Sorry I'm not fucking perfect like you!


whatever a spider can

By Gabe – May 4, 2002

The Spiderman movie is the reason god invented the cinema.

Hold Me

By Tycho – May 3, 2002

Tron 2.0 looks really cool. That is all.


Maybe you should get your own GC

By Gabe – May 1, 2002

After calling every rental place in Kirkland I finally hit the jackpot when I called the Woodinville Blockbuster. The lady there said they had one left and before she could finish I was in the car and half way to Woodinville. A $100.00 deposit, a $14.95 rental fee and a $10.83 late fee (stupid fucking Maximo!) and I had myself a GC until Monday. That means that this evening Tycho, Kara, Monkey and I will all be sitting down to enjoy some survival horror. They were all so mad when I told them about the GC I was honestly a little scared for my life. In fact had I not been able to rent one, my plan was just to drive east until I ran out of gas.

I Think So

By Tycho – April 30, 2002

Wasn't he in "Too Stupid To Make A Title For His Post"? That was bad ass.

Here is my fucking title bitch.

By Gabe – April 30, 2002

Have any of you guys seen that new movie staring Assy McShutup? I hear it’s pretty good.


Cry Me A River

By Tycho – April 30, 2002

Well, get to it. I don't have all Goddamn night.

FanimeCon 2002

By Tycho – April 29, 2002

I've never actually been to a con. Whenever I say that, people always mention E3, but I think there's room to make strong distinctions between Trade Shows and Fan Conventions. I wouldn't know what those were, of course. I've never actually been to a con.