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Gabriel's experience with RPGs is a smattering of potent imports from Japan, the occasional Dragon Age game, and Mass Effect. No Wizardry, no Ultima, no Bard's Tale, no Gold Box, and certainly no Baldur's Gate - the inheritor of that august fraternity. No classic Fallouts. And no Planescape.


My fever keeps riding a data set that, at its highest point, I think I can see; I'm traversing it on a kind of minecart. I don't mind. Sometimes the thinking is disordered, and sometimes it is oddly interactive and sometimes it is revelatory. I can see sages of the past from here, and they wave to me. I wave back.

Magicians, Part Two

I mean, sometimes this rubric might work. Sometimes. Maybe. It's like if you choose your Pokemon based on your favorites. It works super well if all your favorites are also incredibly powerful and happen to create a harmonious symphony of types. That's a great scenario, and when it happens, look: it's something to celebrate.


Magicians, Part One

Magic comes and goes around here. I mean Magic: The Gathering, specifically. Obviously the mystic winds shift as well, this way and that, toward, and - terrifyingly - away from the worldseed. Thus are the epochs of men defined.

The Diplomat

Right as I'm about to jump ship, Gabriel is going back to Apple. Once he started drawing on the new iPad Pro, it wound a clock somewhere in the heart of the universe that would bring him back to the platform in other ways. He has sent me some animojis or whatever and it seems like he's having a good timeā€¦?


Acquisitions Inc. Battle Royale

One of my favorite things to do with D&D is shoehorn video game mechanics into it. When I heard I was going to get to run the game at PAX East this year my first thought was that I had to do something Battle Royale related. Generally when I run these sorts of games I build lots of elaborate props and I actually had a few ideas about how I could do this using poster board and pre-cut circles of green cellophane. I assembled a little team of people here at PA to help me plan and test the game including Mike Buland, Elyssa Grant, Dabe Alan and Kiko Villasenor but as soon as we started talking, this whole thing got way cooler than cardboard and cellophane.


I mostly fucked with Gabe about his obsession with Destiny for almost the first year of its operation. Then I got the bug from him just before House of Wolves, caught up, and then ended up doing weekly raids - something I haven't done since World of Warcraft.


In the upper right hand corner of the screen in Hogwarts Mystery you can see the three distinct currencies, the Satanic Anti-Trinity, that indicate we have entered the Arcade of the Damned. Harry Potter is for Ronia whatever Star Wars was for my generation, there's nothing she would want more than this game. But they're going to give her a choice between watching her character get choked out by a vine for a couple hours or asking her dad for money, which she will definitely get. I wish there were another way for her to check out this story, but they don't offer it.

A Pan-Dimensional Shuriken

It's possible that I saw it under the worst possible conditions - in the tiny screen on the back of the airplane seat in front of me - but the last Avengers movie is one of my least favorite films of all time. It also mostly annihilated Joss Whedon's career, apparently, so maybe I'm not alone in that assessment. I felt the same watching it as I do whenever I see somebody post something from Rich Russian Kids or something. You had all this money, and that's what you did with it?


I Have A Mouth And I Can Scream With It

There is a lot to like about Labo, which is firmly indicated by the amount of pixels emitted in its praise. The thing that excites me the most is that the first two boxes have the subtitle Toy-Con 1 and Toy-Con 2. What I want more than anything is a Toy-Con to be followed by more and more numbers. We have submitted a possible Toy-Con 3 option but we're easy; it doesn't have to be exactly like this but it's one idea and you're welcome to it.

Comet Inducing

I'm good on comet shit, thanks. I'm a position to know what the margins are like on enthusiast media properties, and so I know that it's incumbent on them to beat the shit out of whatever is getting views, but it's lead to a state of affairs where the stats are functionally writing the content and it looks it.

The Net Serpent

People often talk about the "dadification" of games, which I suspect is at least partially a function of a workforce that is aging and a medium that is aging with it. I mean aging in the sense of a casked liquor. I don't mean aging in demonstrable progression of decrepitude sense, but know this: the grave awaits us all. Purely in terms of time spent there, it's not even a contest; the tomb is the truest home of man.