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Community Engagement

Yeesh. It's been rocky for a minute, you could say since the PSN debacle, but the relationship between Arrowhead and the powerful audience their game built has always been somewhat testy. In the company's Twitter profile, it leads with the phrase "A game for everyone is a game for no one," which I think is just a fascinating thing to say. The version on the page is even surrounded by tildes, which lends the affair a kind of insouciant charm. At the end of the day, it's a profound statement of intention. Maybe a little aggressive. But you can't say they don't live by it.

On the Verge of Being a Jerk

Valve has a new game in the works that got a big writeup on the Verge even though there is a message when you start the game asking folks not to talk about it yet. In the 25 years we’ve been making Penny Arcade Jerry and I have had the opportunity to see more unfinished projects than I can count. We’ve seen games that never even got released, hardware that is years away from release, board games that are just the designers notes and doodles on 3x5 cards. Occasionally we are asked to sign an NDA but most of the time it’s just a request not to share any of the stuff we see commonly referred to as a “Friend-D-A”. Actually it’s usually someone kindly asking “Please don’t make a comic about this.” and guess what, we don’t. We don’t talk about these projects for two main reasons:




They don't have Spongebob yet - yet - but boy do they have a lot of other shit. Fortnite's "one weird trick" is ingesting intellectual property in such a way as to unify it, aesthetically. You can also see the skin all the time, because you're looking from outside. It's clearly a kind of collectible figurine that is wearing a bunch of other collectibles. PUBG had crates and stuff too, but they were always very… odd. This is something else. There is something about the juxtaposition of milsim lookin' tacticool and… I dunno… Cheech & Chong?

R6 With The Boys

I actually love Call of Duty and play the new one every year but I could do without all the IP crossover skins. Watching Cheech kill a Zaku or Homelander teabag Nicki Minaj is not what I’m looking for in my military shooter. I understand why they do it. Obviously it’s money but in my opinion that money comes at the cost of your games identity whether the game be Call of Duty or Magic the Gathering. It works for Fortnite because fortnite isn’t a game with an identity. It is a big blank billboard ready to advertise the latest movie, TV series or shitty truck. You can't dilute something that was never concentrated.


Invader Nym

I always sort of feel bad for films that people use to calibrate the zero point on their scale; once that consensus rips through, and all the switches get flipped down. I haven't seen it, but I have a hard time imagining that a movie that doesn't literally kill the viewer rests at some point above zero. I mention that because I'd heard it had a zero on Rotten Tomatoes! But it doesn't have a zero. It has a six! It's not much better, but… still. It isn't the other number.


Colin Kaepernick getting into turnkey IP theft reminds me a little bit of when people were taking the FTX money. They couldn't really have understood everything that went into that decision, and I think it's more or less the same thing here. "AI" is a variety of things, many of which are almost toys at this stage of adoption: social media filters, chatbots, that kind of thing. That person probably isn't going to have a strong understanding of what underlying processes result in a picture of them on a couch being transformed into a picture of themselves as an Anime Paragon. I think this is most people, frankly. It's a buzzy space because people with draconic amounts of money slaver at the prospect of a neofeudal order. Similar to a few years ago, when "blockchain" and "Web3" were the magic words that gave petitioners entre to the secret vaults, now we just got some new words. "Online" was once one of these sacred words, for example. "Social," etc. If all you have to do is say some words, I can understand why a person would say the words. Especially if it could mean freedom - blessed freedom, once and for all - from artists.

Feeling Nostalgic

There are a couple interesting projects that popped up in our “Feeling Nostalgic” feed this week. This feature on the site pulls up comics from the archive that appeared on this day years ago. It just so happens that two very cool series ran during this period.


Space Ghost

This is something Gabe and our mutual friend Kris Straub share - a suspicion that ghosts may be real. More than a suspicion, perhaps. They live their lives in accordance with the undeniable, universally understood fact of spectral incursion. I haven't gone into it super deep with Gabe but I can guess at the techniques he's developed to ensure his safety - and the safety of his family. Kris told me that he leaves shoes upside down, with the holes against the carpet, because… I'm trying to remember. I think the idea was that the open shoes implied an entity, and that was sufficient to create a point of ingress? Was that it?


The Twitching Hour

It's all true; it is possible to enter the Halls of Denigration and secure yourself a key. Through the dark alchemy of Twitch Drops, your attention can be transformed into a closed beta code for Marvel Rivals. Well, maybe. They don't have an unlimited amount of codes to drop for Twitch. And it only goes until tomorrow. There was some other arcane text around getting it, but as I gazed upon it the sigils began to swim. How much danger was I willing to enter in order to maybe get a key for an Overwatch clone, ten years after the fact? I closed the browser.

Commissions Are Open! (and now closed)

I spent the last week working on stickers, but now I’m ready to open up new commission slots for August. I started doing these last month for the first time in 25 years. Before that I had only ever offered commissions during the Child’s Play charity dinner. It’s one of the requests I get most often though and after discovering the site Artistree I decided to give it a try on a regular basis. Last month I did four commissions and really enjoyed the process! I’ve worked with lots of big companies over the years but getting to work one on one with PA readers was awesome. Nothing beats hearing directly from someone how much a custom drawing I did means to them and I want to do more of that going forward. 




At a certain level, Disney seemed to think that it had a Captive Audience with the MCU and that it didn't really matter what they did with it. It turns out that it matters a lot! It matters a lot if the movies you make are good. With a pair of movies that brought in almost five billion dollars, they capped off and paid everyone for their ten year investment in a way that feels earned but also, you know… final, with real stakes. Once they lost that scaffold they lost the plot. There wasn't any attempt to earn audience anymore, they had them. When they stopped being captivated, they stopped being captive. Now Disney has flipped the script; they've decided to go with captive creators instead.


In The Night

Concord developer Firewalk Studios is quite obviously stuffed to the gills with world-class talent. They have technical and conceptual sophistication "out the ass." And what they've chosen to do is fairly striking: offer a premium product in the land of the service shooter, and slow down the pace of kills until it's something like a turn-based tactics experience, and whose characters chart a new form of -punk that we may not have the prefix for yet. I don't mean that as a joke! I'm honor-bound to support anyone who engages in dangerous heresies. Obviously, here are very mean ways to say all of the things I just said. For example, Gabriel says the game feels like you're trudging through molasses and that the faces are scary, at once living and dead, like animated corpses. He says he has been robbed of sleep! I don't know about all that.


I was not impressed by Concord and it seems like I’m not the only one. I’ve heard it said that the reason it seems to be struggling to find an audience is because people are tired of Hero Shooters but personally I don’t think this is the case. It’s like when you hear that audiences are tired of superhero movies and then Deadpool 3 comes out and breaks records. There’s always room for something genuinely fun,cool and creative that’s made with passion. I saw Deadpool & Wolverine over the weekend and it’s full of hardcore comic book lore that only the nerdiest of the nerds would appreciate. It was clearly made for fans and rather than trying to subvert their expectations, it was trying to exceed them.  

-Gabe Out


Novellas Dropping 7/30!

They're all done, laid out, and made beautiful by the design team, but the store aspect - and making sure Kickstarter Backers get theirs cleanly - has to be made perfect. So! On Tuesday, prepare yourself mentally and physically for a pair of tender novellae about Omin and Jim, which is to say "Ominifis Hereward Dran" and "James Winifred Darkmagic The Third."