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Destroyers, Plural

Here's the comic Kris and I put together for the Make A Strip panel on Saturday, which in every way that tracks with my normal life was actually sometime Friday. I couldn't tell you when. I'm getting on a plane here in a second that - once they close the doors on me - is gonna fly for a real, real long time.

Solitary Confinement, Part Three

I woke up at five A.M. terrified that I had not put up the post, even though I thought I had done the math correctly about when the post needed to be executed and have been thinking about it constantly for two days. It's not a joke! Next you're gonna tell me it's Friday where you live. What? That's true?!?

PAX Australia and My Dumb Brain

I started taking Lexapro almost exactly 10 years ago and it has truly changed my life. Before medication I was dealing with crippling anxiety. I went back and found my post from 2008 where I tried to explain what chronic anxiety is like. I know it’s hard for folks who don’t have it to really understand. The things I worry/obsess about are trivial to most people. My wife might be concerned about something for a few minutes and then move on with her day but I would lose weeks to what is essentially a constant state of panic.


Solitary Confinement, Part One

Because of how the gears of the universe catch, pause, and clang, Morak is heading down to Australia on a solo flight. And, because we aren't allowed to overlap in any respect, this is an untenable, ghost-ridden scenario for him while it's a magic carpet ride for me.

Second Opinion

I try not to spend a hundred percent of my time thinking about the shambling chaos that gnaws at the periphery, but it's hard not to notice the symptoms.

Interior Decorating

Gabe has managed to spread this Battle Royale disease to Kara, and it infected all the people I used to play Destiny with. I've told him repeatedly: this is not the cool game to play. He doesn't have the receptors to collate this kind of data. So if I want to play a game with… anyone, I'm playing this.


After we talked about Fortnite: Battle Royale last week, Greazy-E installed it on the PS4 here in our office and a stream of people from the building found themselves drawn inexorably toward it. Except Kiko. Kiko is staying out on principle.


Acquisitions Inc. Down Under!

I’m excited to finally announce that Acquisitions Incorporated is coming to PAX Australia this year! We’re switching things up for this adventure though and moving Ac Inc. to a "galaxy far far away". That’s right, Omin Dran has opened an AI franchise in the Outer Rim and we’ll be playing Fantasy Flight’s Edge of the Empire.



Gabe and Kara have a bunch of "discover packs" - the Dropmix equivalent of a booster pack - that I haven't heard yet, and the thought that they have a bunch of universally pluggable audio chunks just laying around their home gives me feelings.