Sleep for nearly twelve hours. That's my recommendation. I feel much restored, strength of ten men, etc., and would wrestle an elk if I thought I could find one.
As Gabe mentioned, I am currently writing up my impressions of Gundam Federation vs. Zeon DX. It's something I would ordinarily do in the newspost, just give a basic outline of a product, but I like the Land of The Rising Fun concept and I want to bolster it with new stuff. It's also nice to be playing a new game on my DC, I expected to have to give something up in the visuals department but it makes no apologies on that front. This game in particular illustrates one of the bummer-esque elements of importing. Observe:

I'm not Japanese or anything, but this seems to imply multiplayer functionality. And even with the best FAQ - the quiet refuge of the layman importer - that feature is probably not something you're going to get to work right. In my opinion, this game is still a hoot - a wild ride, an action-oriented Big Robots game that wouldn't be made anywhere but Japan. But it's a bittersweet moment not uncommon to those who import.
I'm also writing a basic overview of that Warhammer 40k card game - not something for current players, just an introduction for the curious - it's at about the halfway point. I was going to wait until that went up on Friday so I'd have a nice segue, but I just have to get this out: What the fuck? I was pretty excited about the original concept, an online version of the tabletop game lots and lots of people like. Finally, I thought, people who might be put off by elements of the realspace edition would be able to see what's so great about it. Shit, I'd even resigned myself to purchasing individual units. But I'm bewildered by this new tack, an MMORPG for God's sake, and I'll never believe this change was motivated by anything more than a thirst for subscriptions.
I'm casting about for something to throw at Europe. Yes, I'm perfectly aware of Warhammer Fantasy roleplaying. But there's no shortage of these games online, in my opinion too many, so an entry into this market just looks like license mongering. Add to that the fact that PC's can't play as the fantastic evil races we've grown accustomed to in the setting, and I've just got to throw up my hands. What's going on here? You have a mature game system loved the world around. Are you really wondering what to do with it?
I guess Gamespot is going to be a pay service now, as well - it's a pretty reasonable transition it seems like, different in several key ways from IGN Insider, and I'm curious to see if it will be a success. If they put up a Greg Kasavin gallery - maybe with him dressed as a fireman, or a police officer - I'd sign up today.