Some of you might remember our tale from Sakuracon about our booth being next to that of Sweet Kitty. Well we all loaded up on Japanese candy that day and our supplies have finally run out. We made a special trip over there this afternoon in order to stock up again and while we were there we had some fun with their picture taking machine.
Some of you might know Brad from the forum or from conventions. He is a good friend of ours who we have recently put in charge of Penny Arcade merchandise. He's the one to thank for getting us off our asses and making us do the new designs. He will also be in charge of the online store as soon as that is open. Anyway, he was in the picture booth for a while and we couldn't figure out what he was up to. This is the photo that popped out of the machine when he was done.

Is nice to know that this is the kind of guy who will be in charge of making sure your orders from the store get out to you on time.
If you live in the area do yourself a favor and hit Sweet Kitty. They have got some candy there that will knock you on your ass.
-Gabe out