I have a couple updates regarding this weekends Lanwerx Gaming Day.
The Halo 2 demonstrations by Bungie will be at 3:00 and 5:00. In case you are not familiar with what was shown at E3 let me break it down for you. You will see a guy play through a portion of a Halo 2 level. Then you will pick your jaw up off the ground. Then you will scratch your head and wonder why in the fuck anyone would ever play Doom 3.
We will Have Halo PC running on 8 machines. This will be a great opportunity to get some hands on time with the game before it ships.
Remember if you want to register for either the Pro or Amateur Halo tournaments mail brad. All the info on how to do that can be found here.
Even though the band Live made Blenders 50 worst bands of all time list they still remain my favorite. I have been a huge fan of theirs since Mental Jewelry and Kara and I have seen them twice in concert. To be honest a quick scan of that 50 worst bands list reveals quite a few bands I enjoy. When I saw the list I called Tycho and I asked him flat out. “Does Live really suck?” Tycho has extremely good taste in music as he happens to be a very talented musician himself. If he came to me one day and said “Everyone keeps making fun of the fact that I like sad clown paintings, do they really suck that bad?” I would say “Yeah buddy. I’m sorry but they just aren’t very good.” Anyway I asked him about Live and he told me they are a good band and so that made me feel better. Even if he had told me they suck I’d still love them but at least I’d know.
Anyway the point of this is that Live is playing a relatively small show here in Seattle on September 8th. It is a special event at the EMP Sky Church downtown and they only sold 500 tickets. Of course by the time I found out about it there was not a ticket to be had anywhere. It often turns out that we have PA fans in extremely odd places and so I thought I would put out a request here. If you have anyway of getting two tickets for Kara and I to go and see this concert I’d be forever in your debt. Please don’t mail me just to tell me that my favorite band sucks ass or whatever. I got plenty of that kind of mail last time I mentioned them. If you can help me out though, please fire me off an email with LIVE as the subject.
Oh yeah, and we got a new kitten. Check out Oreo.

-Gabe out