This weekend’s event is shaping up nicely. If you would like to partake in some Crystal Chronicles you don’t necessarily need a GBA. It would be cool if you brought one but we will have some extras on had if you can’t find yours or whatever. A few people asked about what sorts of limitations there will be on what I’m willing to sketch on Saturday. Someone requested an intricately detailed illustration involving multiple characters in various states of undress cavorting in a magical forest full of wood nymphs and water sprites. Yeah, that’s probably not gonna happen. See I’m gonna have a sharpie and you can ask me to draw any character from the comic strip and I’ll go ahead and do that for you. For example at the San Diego comic con I drew lots and lots of Fruit Fuckers some Cardboard Tube Samurais and even a couple Claw Shrimp. I’ll have plenty of paper there so you don’t need to bring anything but your smiling face.
The Cardboard Showdown website has been updated with some brand new artwork from the game. These guys have managed to take PA into the 3rd dimension and still maintain the look and feel of the comic strip. They have really done an amazing job. The new render of the Tron arcade machine is a work of art and should be hanging on a gallery wall in my opinion.
I got some mail asking what games I’m playing right now since I guess I haven’t mentioned it for a while. My first couple of games from Gamefly arrived yesterday which means I am just getting into Disgaea now. Thank you guys for recommending this game to me, it’s totally fucking awesome. Kara and I are taking it back to the year 2000 and playing Final Fantasy IX together. Neither of us has played it before so it’s quite a treat. I don’t understand why Square didn’t implement the ability to have two players control characters during battles in more of their games. Obviously Crystal Chronicles is still played every Thursday night with the rest of the crew. Last night we put a good four hours into it. Pork and I stayed late after the others left just to dick around and ended up finding a whole new continent full of new dungeons. Being 30 hours into the game we had pretty much come to terms with the fact that the dungeons we currently had access to were gonna be it for the rest of the game, and we were totally fine with that. Then we hop a boat and find that the game just got a whole lot bigger. We decided to check out one of these new levels even though we didn’t have any back up. After about a 30 minute boss fight with an extremely angry spectral dragon we came away with a shit ton of money, XP and I scored a heal ring. As one of the groups designated doctors this made me wet myself with glee. Pork and I have decided to collect everything we have learned about the game into a FAQ of sorts. That will probably be something we try and do next week.
I know I said I was gonna do a Pac-Man Mod on my computer but that was before I saw all the bad ass Pac-Man Mods out there. I decided instead to go with the CTS. Sorry for the low quality pictures. I have the oldest digital camera in the world. If you wanna see the real thing I’ll be showing it off in the Case MOD contest at this weekend’s Gameday.

-Gabe out