The "Christmas in September", aka my birthday is fast approaching and I hope you are all feeling the excitement. This is what Tycho had to say about my special day last year:
Except for (perhaps) Jesus Christ, no birthday in history is accompanied by as much fanfare as Gabe's. He's incorrigible. It's fucking August, and already I can't wait for his special day to come and go, mostly go.
The fact of the matter is I get very excited about my birthday. It's not even all the fabulous presents I expect to receive from my closest friends, although that will be nice. I get excited for the inevitable birthday party. So many of my friends tend to downplay their birthdays and I can't understand why. They might get a few friends together and go out to dinner someplace nice or whatever but that's about it. It seems like after 21 no one is interested in really celebrating on their B-day. I like birthday parties. I like it when all my friends come over and play videogames. Sure that's what we do every Thursday anyway but on my Birthday there will be cake and cake just makes thing better. Everyone gets one special day a year, a day when everyone gets together to party and celebrate simply because you're still around. I say take your special day and milk it for everything it's worth. This September 25th I'll be turning the big two six and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let that slip by with nothing but a dinner at Azteca to commemorate it.
From the "why in the fuck would you show that screenshot" file comes this little work of art. This is a part of Microsoft's huge screen shot extravaganza designed to get people pumped about some of next years big games. I was actually a fan of previous Harry Potter games but this looks like a joke. This is the Xbox? It looks more like MSPaint.

If this is all you have to show just don't show anything guys. All you have succeeded in doing is giving me a poor opinion of your game. You're just going to have to work twice as hard now to get me to like it. Tycho and I are still willing to offer our services as screen shot examiners if you need us. For no cost to you we will happily look at any shots you are considering releasing and tell you if they look like ass or not.
-Gabe out