In case you missed the earlier post about it, I wanted to mention the Fallout 3 project we did. This was a twelve comic project and they are currently posting a new one every Wednesday over at the official site. This was a really fun project because they gave us a lot of freedom to tell our own story in the Fallout world. We ended up creating our own vault and following the adventures of it's only occupant.
If you are familiar with the Fallout story you know that it was never really the intention of the vaults to rescue people from nuclear fallout. Rather they were designed to be massive social experiments. The conditions in each vault were different, some had plenty of food some had none, some had all men some had all women, some even had a door that wouldn't actually close. Our vault had plenty of food, water and everything else you might need to survive. The catch is that it only had one person...and a box of puppets.
You can start at the beginning by hitting up this link. Like I said, they'll be posting new comics every Wednesday. Check out the official site and let me know what you think as the story of vault 77 plays out.
Also, it's probably worth mentioning that we've updated the Penny Arcade presents page. We've done a number of these projects over the years and as the games get older the sites that host the comics tend to change or disappear entirely. We've gone ahead and collected them all on our site and linked them from the PA presents page.
-Gabe out

August 13, 2008