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PAX South Pin Post!

Pax South is just less than a week away now and already people are calling it the Pax South of the year. I will be in attendance although you might see me zipping around on a scooter sometimes. I'm feeling much better now but my doctor doesn't want me to push it and the scooter has already been rented. Let's talk pins!

The Spotlight

Now that it seems like Gorobriel's stuff is staying in, and he can laugh without terror, he's back to his old haunts. He loves Symmetra's playstyle, and he loves her comic, which I love also. The moral dimension of Overwatch is deliciously robust, even before you broach the subject of erotic Tumblr comminglings.


I was trying to figure out why Gabriel would be playing Diablo III; I kept seeing his PSN account logged into it. If you're down with the D or whatever it's fine. Lots of people play Diorblo, specifically, lots of people not named Mike. Overwatch or Titanfall 2, certainly. I asked him about it, and he said that while his guts are still fucked up, playing "exciting" games hurts too much, and that playing Diablo - a game where you beat back unrelenting waves of hell monsters - is relaxing by comparison. Relaxing for the heroes, at least. It's less relaxing for everybody else.



I'll be calling Mike Krahulik here in a sec to write new strips; my suspicion is that he will like having something else to do besides writhe on the couch. Or, at least something to do while he writhes, just to leaven the anguish.



As you might have read, our own Gabriel - whose handle I will not corrupt this time, out of deference for his ruined state - got all fucked up over the weekend. He called me Monday on my way home from work; he sounded like shit, and it was very difficult to hear. I mean, he was perfectly audible, I just didn't like it. As soon as I found out he was ensconced firmly within the Bone Zone I called my friend and colleague Kris Straub, who had backed me up before when Gabriel's frail humanoform gave way a couple years ago. I brought him "back in," as it sometimes said, and we had a pretty good time. I had a good time, at any rate. Me and the Cloister of the Crimson Arc. Kris mostly mewled as his body was made the gate for the Comic Beast.

I am cursed

I ended up in the hospital on Sunday getting an emergency surgery to repair a nasty hernia. I went in the morning because I was in pain but did not expect to need an operation. It was a scary night but the folks at Evergreen hospital over in Kirkland were fantastic. Everything went well and they ended up sending me home the next day. I’m in bed now recovering and I’d like to thank Kris Straub for working with Tycho to make a couple strips for you guys this week and give me a little break. Just in the last three weeks I have had the flu, horrible food poisoning and now this. I am pretty sure that if I were to leave the house today, a piano would fall on me. 2016 was a rough year but I think 2017 might actually be trying to kill me.

Cozmi Fan Tutte

It turns out that very, very soon after Christmas all the stuff that was impossible to get just before that material and psychological wall is fucking omnipresent. I always do feel a certain resentment toward that which is engineered to be loved; even as a love it, I feel the teeth of the trap on my calf. The resentment is never more than the love, though. It's a human flaw I would never remove.

The Ravages of Time

Once I've seen a piece of clickbait a hundred or so times I'm gonna click on it. I just am. I want to know why they won't hire Alyson Hannigan anymore ("because she's really a witch in real life"). I legit want to know what is so great about this Goddamn hoodie ("it's a functioning Fremen stillsuit"). Honestly, anything a person writes on the Internet is probably written so that another person will read it; it's not weird to be desirous of the Click. The information environment out there shapes all the creatures within it, and sometimes they turn Strange. Then again, occasionally it's warranted. So who knows.


Acquisitions Inc. Holiday Special!

I know that technically the “holiday season” has come to an end and we exist in a post holiday world now, but I think we could all still use some holiday cheer. That’s why I’d like to direct your attention to the Acquisitions Inc. holiday special that is available today on Amazon! This is a brand new adventure run by the incredible Chris Perkins and featuring AI players Jerry Holkins, Scott Kurtz, Patrick Rothfuss and myself. If you’re a Prime member the show is free and if you’re not, it will only run you $4.99. That’s more than three hours of D&D shenanigans for only five bucks!

Star Wars drones!

It’s true that sometimes companies send me stuff. I guess I am what PR people call an “influencer”. If the stuff is dumb you never hear about it but occasionally I get something really cool and I’m happy to share it with you all. In this case I got two Star Wars drones from the folks at Propel and they are super cool.

Naturally Influent

The account at, having existed for several Ages as the Internet reckons time, is like a core sample of marketing evolution.