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Proverbs 22:6

Gabriel the Younger's perfectly reasonable request seemed a vital crossing; like the first text you receive from a person you had a hand in creating, or when your daughter arrives at the better pun before you. The old rites of passage are confetti now, in a lot of ways; I have thus far enjoyed the process of, each day, becoming progressively more useless.

The JPEG Factory

I’ve been using my Instagram a lot recently. Twitter is a good way to get information out but Instagram really makes a lot more sense to me. I guess because I am a visual guy a service based on pictures is just more in my wheelhouse. You should follow my Instagram if you like seeing sketches and other behind the scenes Penny Arcade work. We have also just launched a PAmegacorp Instagram. This feed will feature photos from the office and a peek at the work we’re all doing here. You can expect to see sneak peeks of new pins, Thornwatch, the upcoming Automata web series, Acquisitions Inc, merch and general PA office life. If you like the stuff we do here I recommend giving this new feed a follow. We just started it but I think it will end up being a really cool way to get an inside look at PA and our projects. It's also being run by Dabe who is a fantastic photographer.


The Land Beyond

I think most of the numbers I know are correct, but in the frozen mists that precede an E3, you hear all kinds of shit. For example, I felt fairly certain this show was gonna be a head to head hardware slugfest, Neo v. Scorpio, which sounds thoroughly WWE. But no. Which means the Neo probably isn't coming out this year. I wouldn't have called that either. Now it's all wheels within wheels, Game of Thrones type shit. But it's fine if they don't show it. They're basically running it at this point; they don't have to do shit.

Values And Values

The sucker in this strip is actually me; I can't go to shit like this anymore because if I see an earnest motherfucker operating a micro-cidery from inside of a haunted-ass dumpster, I'm going to buy as many reclaimed cat skulls full of cider as they have on hand.

The family that plays together

I tweeted out over the weekend that my son was voting for his mother at the end of our Overwatch rounds rather than for me. I had a few folks ask how we managed to all play together and it's true that we have three PS4's in the house. Some people might consider this excessive but that's not how I see it. For me it is an investment in a family activity. I wouldn't feel bad if I bought us all skis and we spent every weekend with the kids up on the mountain. This is what we do together. Videogames are an opportunity for Kara and I to spend hours with the kids playing and talking. If I ask Gabe what he did in school over dinner I get a shrug and a "nothing". Between Overwatch rounds or during a Destiny Strike I get the real stories though.


It Sucked Basically

Jesus Christ. I thought for sure that as an "introductory class," they'd be taking it easy on us; that they would be incentivized to trick us into thinking it was something we were capable of. So that we would, like, come back.

Since 2016

One sees this configuration - a German hyperknight, who acts as an energy carapace for a sentient gun person - with great frequency. Occasionally, the hyperknight might provide shell services for a mechanically inclined Swedish dwarf.

On Demand

Flatev is like a Keurig, but instead of squeezing out an opaque, coffee-adjacent ichor, it microbakes tiny corn disks. That's sort of the form factor, now: tools for living, contained within deployable ammunition.


I have had tons of Star Wars ships for awhile, but nobody to play with really; they sit beautifully on the shelf, LIKE MY DREAMS. Is that too much? Is it the capitalization, or the twee sentiment? In any case, X-Wing is a neat game with robust genes - so robust, in fact, that its systemic brood is multitudinous. Star Trek: Attack Wing, for example, is the same bones, but virtuously and uniquely executed. Dungeons And Dragons: Attack Wing I haven't played, but incorporates ground combat; it might be unfair and superficial to include Plaid Hat's Tail Feathers in this list, more of a cousin by marriage maybe, but it's at least adjacent to the greater constellation. Oh! And Sails of Glory. I, uh… I like skirmishy wargames. Primarily because they're more likely to actually get played, wherever my deeper affections may lie.