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PATV Shirts!

If you have been watching any of our new PATV shows you've probably noticed the titles. They were done by Gavin and Dabe and I think they all look great. We've got two of them available on shirts now and for the first time ever, they are available in extra small. So if you are an extraordinarily small person, you can finally wear a Penny Arcade shirt that fits you properly.

A Tale Of Two Horses

I spent the weekend in Spokane, which wise men call Ulk Shambol or "The Dream Grave." I usually get in trouble when I talk about the town my mom lives as though it is the sort of place Lord Sauron would amass his evil armies, which is, you know, an exaggeration for comic effect. In truth, I only felt his baleful, seeking eye once.



I’ve been working on the characters for our Nightlight story at the end of the month. Most of the time when I sit down to draw characters, it’s little boys or guys that come out. I can draw those characters and make them feel authentic because I know them. I can tell those stories because they are my story to some degree. When I sat down to make Grace I knew it would be a challenge.

The Historical Record

We're both gonna try to get out of town to varying degrees at the end of July, ahead of the Six Month World Tour that is PAX, and we've thought of various ways to manage that span - we'll be gone maybe six strips or so, which is how we have come to reckon time.


He legitimately wanted to know what that shit tastes like. Not good, I would say. Not potable in the classic sense. Tangy in absolutely the wrong way. You can also get XP in Destiny by, like, doing bounties and stuff. No fluids are required. #Lifehax

New DLC Podcast Show

There's a new DLC Podcast show up today and this one doesn't seem to be sped up much at all. Which means it took me almost the exact same amount of time to draw the strip, as it did for us to write it. So that's not a dumb statistic.


The First 15

There is a new First 15 today that ended up being pretty funny I think. We played a game called Omega Quintet and I can tell you with 100% certainty, that Tycho and I are not the core demographic for this game.



Gabriel ("Makrak Khalilulelo") tried to finish this page Thursday Night, but he had to fly out to a wedding. We were both up very late as he tried to wrap it up, which had the character of our earliest efforts and I enjoyed it even though I felt bad that he had committed to the impossible. Ultimately the realization that certain properties of linear time made his task very frustrating (if not simply incompatible with reality) caused him to kill it, but when he got back into the office from his trip it was all he wanted to do. Occasionally, one must let one's artist tug a bit on the reins.

You Had To Be There

By Tycho – June 22, 2015

Since the first packet of Internet data swam over a wire, it has been a good time to be a fetishist.

The Sticky-Out Part Of A Boat

I felt bad. Usually, when Microsoft brings Rare up it's to show something that I don't want. There's always a sinister aspect to it; a Winston Smith aspect, as they're forced to tell us the Kinect is great a second time. I am not in the market for a collection of old games from them, I can barely play the new games I'm obsessed with. And then they showed Sea of Thieves, and I felt like an asshole.