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Nightlight Art

I'm pushing myself with this Nightlight story and I'm really proud of how it's turning out. I really wanted this family to feel real and so I'm packing in lots of little details. Some of them are things you can catch if you look closely but others are more personal.


Grace, Part One

Very, very pleased to kick off a six part Nightlight thingamajig for you here on the site, while we attempt to take vacations which overlap somewhat-but-not-really. He is going to Gjalladhall, the "Place of Elder Songs," where he will attempt to set an old question of lineage to rest. I will be drunk in Scotland. I'm not leaving yet, though; you gotta put up with me for a couple more days. I have to take a moment to honor my cohort for his work on this series, I legitimately don't know where it came from. Grace's geometric hair is my favorite thing about the set, though you might find something else to like before it's over. This is all part and parcel of a ton of secret Nightlight work that would legitimately freak you out if you knew it.


Gabe's dad is kinda like a Dad Dad. He's like a diagram of a dad, with all the dad parts, all the… phalanges, that dads always have, and we can compare other dads to that dad in order to determine a kind of universal score.


Cyber Domination Achieved

I am often surprised by things that aren't that surprising. This is something that you have probably noticed if you spend any time around here. I am just trying to think my thoughts, and invariably I am interrupted by some kind of fucking nonsense.

The Contiguous Ultrahound

You will be hard pressed to exist on the Internet without seeing tons of that insane Google ANN Shit. When I say Insane Shit, I'm talking about those piles of slimy, wet dogs people keep sending you. Specifically I'm referring to the greasy, omniscient dogs made of paisley slop worshipping birds that dwell in an infinity of jade pagodas.

Pounds Per Square Inch

In the same way that one may have a dream, or a series of dreams, or single dream which perforates the entirety of one's life about being naked at school (which somehow manages to be horrifying every time), whenever I see the letters SDCC together I can feel my ribs start to squeeze my heart. I understand that these symptoms vary from person to person.


PAX Prime 2015 Storytime: Kim Swift

Yes, that's correct: Kim Swift of Portal, Left 4 Dead, and Quantum Conundrum fame will illuminate the gathered throng. She's been over at Amazon for awhile now, working on "AAA PC Games," but nobody knows what that means yet. She also invented the Companion Cube, which all by itself places her in the Internet Pantheon. We've been trying to match schedules for years now, years plural, and I'm glad we were finally able to work it out.