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There are tons of games I would like to write comics about, but there are a couple very specific challenges in this truly bizarre line of work. I am using the term "challenges" specifically for its hyperbolic thrust; I got it pretty fucking good here. But this is what I mean:

The New Kids

By Tycho – June 1, 2015

When I read that E3 was allowing "fans" to attend the show, and not merely those ostensibly associated with the journalistic edifice, I was likeā€¦ well, yeah. I've been doing that with PAX for a decade or so and it's worked out pretty good. But fans means something very specific in this context: it means people invited by the exhibitors directly. Which gave me a second opportunity to say "well, yeah" in an incredibly short span of time.

Spice Girl

The first part of the strip is absolutely true: his haircut man was not available. It's a continuum of human experience I'm not connected to in any way. I "cut my hair" the way a druid gathers mistletoe: under a full moon, with a scythe.

Observer Effect

I was lucky with my own bandmates, actually; I was always the least reliable, least talented member, so disappointment tended to flow reliably in the opposite direction. I only played guitar at a couple shows, ever. I mostly just brought a microphone, or put it in someone's bag at practice so it would arrive without effort on my part, then hit the bar before the show to down a Snake Bite to sand the edge off my nerves. Then I'd hand a drink and a blank cassette to the guy at the board, and after the show I would listen to the tape on the way home, and make a thorough accounting of my failures.


Monday Sketchdump!

Last week I attended a special "Art Night" at my kid's school. I ended up spending the evening drawing with elementary school kids and had a great time. Here's some of my doodles:


By Tycho – May 25, 2015

So, last time, I was worried that between Destiny's immediacy and my belief that there was some mystically optimal condition under which to play The Witcher, it would end up sort of like my Steam library, in a list more akin to a list of achievements than of time played or work considered. But that is not true. Having secured 32 Light in order to make myself marginally less worthless to my Fireteam, I had a chance over the weekend to plow through the "Witching 101" portion of The Witcher 3 and into the game proper, which isn't an epic roleplaying game at all apparently but a card game called gwent.


By Gabe – May 22, 2015

I forgot to post my Throwback Thursday art yesterday. It was a hit last week and I intended to do it again but just spaced it. So to make up for it I'm gonna post two incredibly embarrassing pieces of artwork from my past!



Gavin came up with AirDND at lunch, and it was too good to leave on the table. Utilizing long-forgetten alchemical techniques, including those we have transmuted this notion into a comic strip.

PAX Q&A Question Sumbissionz

By Tycho – May 20, 2015

Ask us questions, anything you want, completely asymmetrically! This is the new ritual for the Q&A panels, and it has made them diamond-dense with premium info. Drop a Q in there, and we will deliver an A several months hence.


The strip is hyperbole, I mostly felt like the perspective needed to be made available. I find the show very hard to watch right now, though; I guess it partly has to do with content, insofar as it's just the weight of it. Hitting play on that show right now feels like rigging up a Sword a Damocles and then sitting directly beneath it.



As a generality I try not to engage in "do you know who I am" antics when it comes to trying to get free shit, I think I've talked about that before. Of course, sometimes "who I am" is the precise reason I can't have something. If you ask me, I've been perfectly reasonable throughout my eighteen year stint - deploying precision rhetorical munitions only when absolutely necessary. It's entirely possible that I called Epic's Mark Rein a "Liar-King" who "scuttled out of a rotting log," but sometimes its vital in a dialogue to suggest that your opponent is some kind of grub. It's... you know. Aristotelian, or whatever.

Throwback Thursday

I don't social media very well but I've heard that Throwback Thursday is a thing. I know generally you're supposed to post an old picture of yourself but I thought I'd embarrass myself by posting old artwork instead. This was the very first drawing I ever did for Kara back in 1997. That's right I tried to woo her with my mad watercolor skills. We're still married though so I guess it worked.