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Tycho is off getting his first tattoo today and I’m really excited for him. I like the design he chose which is more than I can say for my first tattoo. In fact I know a lot of people who aren’t thrilled with their first tattoo. I got my first one about twenty years ago when Tycho was considering his Gargoyles homage. We were living together at the time and I was looking through some of his RPG books. I found this illustration of a heart with a crown of thorns around it and decided that would be my first tattoo. It’s still sitting there on the back of my calf. If nothing else it reminds me of that time in my life and who I was back then, even if I’m not thrilled with the design itself anymore.

Timeless Sentiments

By Tycho – April 24, 2015

I feel compelled to tell you that I am not at the office. I'm not even writing this! I am having a man I barely know dredge a needle through the skin of my forearm, over and over. And, as if that weren't enough, he's dipping the tip of this needle in ink so that even once they've healed the scratches this miscreant is scratching will leave permanent marks. It's rude at best. What's more, I'm paying this highwayman for the privilege of being thus savaged!

Vorvax, The Forgotten

By Tycho – April 22, 2015

I got these three frames in a text message a few nights ago, and I can't prove it but I think he may have drawn them on a pile of spare printer paper, in his lap, while also playing Destiny. I mention it, because I can barely do one thing at a time.


Bass Ackwards

Captain Forial's finger hovers over the communications circuit, withdraws. Then it flips out straight, like a retractable antenna, only to retreat again. Now she's holding her fist against her mouth. She would go through the cycle again, maybe, if the channel hadn't flared open, if a tiny version of her nemesis hadn't appeared.

Exchange Rate

By Tycho – April 17, 2015

I'm given to exaggeration. Example: I once said that mice were "way, way smaller than voles," and got an earful from the Rodent Liberation Front, Friends of the Mouse and the Vole Association. But I am not exaggerating and am in fact being circumspect with my language when I suggest that redemption arcades are a spectacularly bad investment.

101, Part Two

By Tycho – April 15, 2015

This is the last strip in this series, at least, I think it is; ol' Gribbz gets home tomorrow, and it may be that something has occurred to him in the intervening period. Judging from the response to it and other content in this vein (something my associate alluded to in an earlier post) we, uh... hm. It seems like there is a huge group of people that nobody is talking to about this stuff, and they really, really want to know it. Complicating matters is the fact that, in their situation, to ask the question is to fail! You're supposed to know it already, and if you don't, that's one more thing you've fucked up this afternoon. The only way for you to learn it is for someone else to volunteer it. Wheels are in motion.


Some fun Games!

By Gabe – April 15, 2015

I took two awesome games with me on our spring break trip to Oregon.

101, Part One

By Tycho – April 13, 2015

Like the man said, he spent some time at an Honest To God PTA Meeting (H2GPTAM). He told them about a lot of stuff, stuff so rudimentary about our ways that you would be insulted if I tried to tell it to you. But that's where you have to start.

The Last Game

By Tycho – April 10, 2015

I would have thought Disney was behind the curve a little bit with Infinity, but that wasn't entirely true; a nice line, a novel feature set, and, um, access to the full battery of Disney's geosynchronous branding platform seems to have squared the circle. I would have dark words for the third entrant into such an arena if it weren't Lego. Disney's stable is pretty legendary, but the Lego side of the equation consists of every other notable brand. Disney isn't willing to go whole hog on the crossover stuff outside of a very specific quarantine zone, and that's going to be the Strength (or Might, if you're playing Pillars) of the Lego Dimensions play.


I spoke at our PTA about games

By Gabe – April 8, 2015

Last night I was a guest speaker during a PTA meeting at my son’s school. I spoke about video games, ratings and the importance of paying attention to what your kids are playing. I thought it went really well and I figured I’d break down my talk here in case anyone wanted to take some of my ideas and do something similar at their kid’s school.


By Tycho – April 8, 2015

The definitive "Mario Party Is A Shitshow" strip has already been written; indeed, it was written eight years ago. I know this because I wrote it, with my friend and associate Al-Gharib. But they keep making these things, which makes me think that someone must be playing them also. I mean, I can't one hundred percent prove that. But I bet it does happen. There are those who wring their hands at the "messages" games communicate to our greasy, unblinking larvae, and in this case they might be onto something.

Venusian Stalemate

By Tycho – April 6, 2015

Being a Destiny Problem, it doesn't overlap with my portion of the Great Diagram. I had seen it lamented, though, and heard of targeted salves applied by the developer, so I asked our resident Gabriel if logging in, joining a Strike, and then not playing Destiny was a common thing.

Live Action Automata?

By Gabe – April 6, 2015

Automata is a project that we really love, and it’s something we've actually been pitching to folks in Hollywood for about five years now. Each time we put it out there we hear the same thing, which is “it’s too risky”, “it’s too expensive”, Not a big enough market”, “Robot films bomb at the box office” .