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False Witness

By Tycho – February 18, 2015

I have "met" Jonathan Blow, only insofar as I was in front of him, we both asserted that we recognized each other, and then a junior designer at Bungie tried to start shit with him about a puzzle in Braid. That's when I got out. But that's the extent of it. I can distinguish him from other people. When I saw that people had taken his assertion that he can finish his own game very quickly and tried to make it seem representative of… something, I laughed. Maybe he cares. But he's not King Kong in this metaphor, swatting at planes. He is the Empire State Building. He's a frankly terrifying thinker and I am legitimately scared of him.

Attempted Recidivism

By Tycho – February 16, 2015

Aside from a couple high profile indiscretions - on par with, let's say, a dalliance with a footman - I haven't purchased retail software of any kind. As soon as they gave me the opportunity not to, I stopped doing it in much the same way we stopped marrying our cousins. It's simply not the done thing.

Monday Sketchdump

By Gabe – February 16, 2015

Lot's of fun stuff ended up in my Sketchbook last week. Check it out!

The New 3DS

By Gabe – February 13, 2015

I was able to score a New 3DS yesterday afternoon along with a copy of Majora’s Mask. I’m excited because I actually missed this Zelda game when it originally came out. I remember I had to sell my N64 that year so that I could afford a plane ticket to E3. Since I never ended up playing it, the game is new to me. I don’t have much to say about the game or the system yet, but I do want to say that the improved 3D tech is really cool.



By Gabe – February 13, 2015

So I actually only read Tycho's first chapter a couple days ago. He's been working hard on it and I have to say the end result is even better than I expected. I loved Chant immediately and had to figure out what he looked like. So I went to my sketchbook.

Chapter 1

By Tycho – February 13, 2015

When the lamp had grown too dim to see by, Chant fed in a few more bitter leaves. After a few moments, as was their way, the worms had turned the leaves to light.


By Tycho – February 13, 2015

Apparently, a vasectomy - vasectimism? - can be caught. I've started a powerful trend other men are powerless to resist, and Goribraleelon swayed and danced to my flute. This is like a Pied Piper thing, I guess. Except my dick would be the flute in this case? I need to think through some of these metaphors before I commit to them, maybe. Like, just consider some of the ramifications.


Vis A Vis My Lawn

By Tycho – February 11, 2015

I have described previously how the pool of people who write professionally about games don't really overlap with my life. You can't really get in trouble for that; most people can't help being who they are. You gotta take people as they come. They have been alternately "fed" or "shocked" on this grotesque spherical laboratory simply for doing what came naturally to them at every juncture, and now they're human fucking wreckage, like everyone else.


By Tycho – February 9, 2015

I only know what the great mass of humanity knows about 50 Shades Of Grey, which is to say I know the salacious cuts condensed in Buzzfeed articles designed to condense salacious cuts. Except this dark enterprise has sold, like, a hundred million copies, so maybe I'm actually the one on the outside here. Things worked out alright for me, all things considered - there is the occasional rough patch - but in terms of cultural ingress, I will never accomplish anything even remotely on that scale. I'm perfectly okay with that, by the way. But if I'm gonna talk shit, I should at least include a footnote somewhere about who is actually holding the whip.

Monday Sketchdump!

By Gabe – February 9, 2015

Time for another sketch dump. Here's a selection of my sketches from the last week.


By Tycho – February 6, 2015

Because it was Thursday, it was also Xursday, which is a kind of weekly holiday for the Destiny enthusiast. I mention this because it's something that you either know in your very mitochondria or it's something that you have no awareness of whatsoever. In any case, there is a drop currency like you have in games of this sort called a Strange Coin, and this Xur fellow is functionally a mercenary Santa Claus who accepts these coins and naught else. And until now, nobody knew why.



By Tycho – February 4, 2015

If the actions I'm likely to take were rendered in a fashion similar to a Final Fantasy game, "Leave Well Enough Alone" would not be represented there. Here's the reality: Spite is not a single item, but the header for an entire menu of Spite based attacks.

More Destiny Art!

By Gabe – February 3, 2015

This weekend I finally hit 20 with my second character. I did a quick little drawing of a Titan this afternoon to commemorate it.