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Typo Brahe

By Tycho – February 2, 2015

The first iteration of today's post is a good example of how I became known by this moniker. I am at home, and very sick, and occasionally a cat "helped" with the typing, but even so: I set myself toward the feverish resolution of these errors. "Feverish" is a double entendre there. Chrome is trying to tell me that entendre isn't a word, but I entend to stick with it. Also, it wanted me to change "prostrate zombie" in the post to "prostate zombie," which, I mean... tell me more.


By Tycho – February 2, 2015

I'm still trying to figure out if I'm a Dying Light person. You may be surprised to learn that I have a neurotic compulsion as relates to some aspect of a game, I'll pause while you absorb the shock, but if a game has co-op I always wonder if I'm "doin' it rong" playing it in single player, with neither co nor op. Sometimes I don't get back to games if I can't find a partner. It happens.

Monday Sketchdump!

By Gabe – February 2, 2015

It's Monday and that means it's time for another sketchdump. I've got a bunch of stuff from the last week to share with you. I've also had a few people ask if I could talk a bit about my process when I'm sketching. I'll try and do that this time for those interested.


By Tycho – January 30, 2015

One function of age is that you have the "opportunity" to perceive cyclic phenomenon.


Some Random Stuff

By Gabe – January 30, 2015

Joystiq was the last gaming news site I still maintained a bookmark for. I don’t have much to say about it except that I hope the folks there land on their feet.

What Is Your Ghost Plan

By Tycho – January 28, 2015

So I think I need to transform into IT Dad and start controlling some access at the Router Level; a week without regular sleep transformed my son into some kind of marmot. I solicited tactical advice from others in the caretaker continuum, and learned that not all advice is equally useful.

Post PAX Depression

By Gabe – January 26, 2015

I had a pretty busy week what with PAX South and all but I still managed to do some sketching on the flight down here to Texas. My goal is to post sketches every Monday so here's a look at some Daughters I drew on the plane.


By Tycho – January 26, 2015

When I was first in Rome, like 12 years ago, people spoke Italian constantly. Basically all the time with the Italian. I expected someone to wink at me eventually and be like, aw, we're just joshing. Come on everybody, let's all speak the sweet English that we secretly crave.



By Tycho – January 23, 2015

What constitutes "amazing" for you is dependent on a number of factors; having one's awesome-ometer calibrated by the modern world almost certainly has an effect on your affect. I have to say, though, I love the idea that he is already bored with 3D printing. And I'm glad of it, because I need him to invent the next thing while my sensing organs are still moist.

PAX South Merchandise!

By Gabe – January 22, 2015

PAX South kicks off tomorrow and Brian asked if I would share our merchandise offerings.

The Lying Game

By Tycho – January 21, 2015

I talked about some of this stuff a couple weeks ago I think, this Jackbox Party Pack stuff, but I've run a couple experiments in the meantime and it's only cemented the necessity of owning this game. Oh! And Gabriel is bad.

Something To Be Desired

By Tycho – January 19, 2015

So, if you have been around since the first teetering steps of the consumer Internet, technically nothing should startle you anymore. Even if a novel, specific instance of a thing occurs you should be able to place it in or near one of the holes this medium has already gouged in your psyche. But a website that lets you create arbitrary dildos you can then 3D print on your 3D printer and subsequently… admire (?) has no place in my taxonomy.


About Drawing

By Gabe – January 19, 2015

I want to give you all a heads up and let you know the comic might look weird for a bit. What’s going on? Well I’m trying not to suck anymore.

PAX South Pins!

By Gabe – January 16, 2015

There will be a bunch of new pins dropping at PAX South next week and I've got the details for you:


By Tycho – January 16, 2015

Grib had committed his act of fan fiction most foul, but I have all kinds of things I want to write and don't, for any one of ten thousand reasons. "I can't draw" is a big one. Writing something without impetus from him would be… rude, according to the unwritten tenets of our arrangement.

Thank You

By Gabe – January 16, 2015

This comment from the PA Facebook makes me feel pretty great.