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By Tycho – January 1, 2014

I've talked about this before, in more ephemeral contexts, but Amazon Prime exerts an incredibly bizarre force.

Do you take Stream?

By Gabe – December 31, 2013

Yes I'm gonna play some Killzone and yes I'm streaming. Starts in about 10 minutes.

PA Scholarship

By Gabe – December 30, 2013

Every year since 2007 Penny Arcade has given away a $10,000 scholarship to a student looking to positively influence the gaming industry. It could be through game design, writing, art, business, science or anything else that could have an impact on games and gamers. We’ve just announced our winner for 2013 and her name is Alicia Cano. So congratulations to Alicia, we hope the scholarship helps you realize all your potential! You can see a list of all the past winners right here as well as all the information you need if you’d like to apply next year.

Old News

By Gabe – December 30, 2013

Some cool stuff happened last week that I wanted to re-post here for the Monday crowd.



By Tycho – December 30, 2013

My "tastes" as regards virtually anything - even for mediums that cannot be "tasted" in any traditional sense - are, um... broad. I have used the baleen metaphor previously, and The Vinegar Tasters, but essentialy it's an ongoing, active effort to decouple my own propensities from what I'm willing to try. My natural enthusiasm is sometimes "right," but not always, and discovering the geography of that middle place is what I like best.

Peaches and Stream

By Gabe – December 30, 2013

Playing Killzone multi tonight and I'll be streaming. I'll be starting around 9:00pm pacific. So, just about 45 min from now.

A bunch of stuff

By Gabe – December 27, 2013

I talked about the Lost Lands podcast yesterday and I wanted to point you towards it again today in case you missed it. This is a podcast featuring Tycho, Scott Kurtz and myself all sitting down to play the tabletop game my son Gabe created. He’s 9 years old and I think his game has some really cool mechanics. It’s interesting to see what a kid comes up with when they don’t have all the baggage that we adults carry around. He doesn’t know how things are “supposed” to work he just makes up his own rules. The results are pretty amazing sometimes. It’s free and you can listen to it right here.

Penny Arcade is The Weekly Humble Bundle

By Tycho – December 27, 2013

I feel like Humble Bundling is completely normalized as cultural practice by now, but just in case: the idea of a Humble Bundle, at root, is that it's a fleeting, Pay What You Want store. If what you Want to Pay isn't anything, that's utterly legit - but if you pay above a certain amount, you get more shit. We've been around long enough and worked with enough people to have a ton of things to offer, and the full offer up there now includes all four installments of my digital suicide attempt "On The Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness," soundtracks thereof, and two books. Pay nothing, pay us, donate the whole thing to Child's Play, monkey around with the sliders and create some kind of hybrid, it's up to you. Thanks, in any event. I really enjoyed making all that stuff.



By Tycho – December 27, 2013

Correct in every way that truly matters, the 234th Annual We're Right Awards continue apace.

Lost Lands Podcast

By Gabe – December 25, 2013

The $200,000 goal of our Kickstarter came with a very cool reward. We recorded a podcast of my son Gabe's table top game. You might remember we did a series of comics about it a while back and since then he has continued to work on it. Tycho, Scott and I all sat down with Gabe a few weeks ago to play the latest version of Lost Lands and we recorded the game!

Ghost of Christmas Past

By Gabe – December 25, 2013

I was browsing r/gaming and saw people were posting old photos of themselves as kids holding up their game systems. Well here's my entry.


Max: Curse of the Brotherhood

By Gabe – December 23, 2013

I mentioned Max: Curse of the Brotherhood yesterday and said I was having fun with it. Well, I was able to beat it today and my initial impression still stands. This is a great puzzle/platform game and well worth the $15 they are asking. In fact I’d say it’s my favorite Xbox One exclusive so far. I found a couple frustrating bits towards the end. They do the classic puzzle game thing where once you’ve learned a bunch of skills and you’re having fun solving puzzles they make you do it fast. I absolutely hate this mechanic in these sorts of games. I love the mechanics and I just want to solve the puzzles. Making me do it quick while being chased by lava just pisses me off. Thankfully there is very little of this and usually the game slows down at crucial moments giving you the extra couple seconds you need to draw in the element you need.

We're Right!

By Gabe – December 23, 2013

We’re going to spend this week counting down our top nine games of 2013. It’s been a long time since we did the “We’re Right Awards”. In fact the last real one we did was back in 2003. It’s been an incredible year for games though and I had a great time going back over my favorites.

We're Right, 2013

By Tycho – December 23, 2013

We were very surprised to receive mails to the effect of "what happened to the We're Right Awards," seeing as we stopped doing them because it seemed sort of whatever, but I have to tell you that if I'm going to be spending a week in the fucking Pain Mines, scooping anguish out of blisters in the Earth with the largest, most contiguous skull I can find, "whatever" sounds pretty Goddamned good.