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Another fun game

By Gabe – December 22, 2013

Max: Curse of the Brotherhood just hit the Xbox One and I've played a few hours of it. It's a side scrolling platform game with a bunch of physics based puzzles. You use a magic marker to draw various elements into the game world. It's a fun mechanic and I've been really impressed with the puzzles so far. With all the drawing going on it's a crime this game isn't on the Wii U but it works okay with a controller. If it was on the PS4 I'd stream it but It's Xbox One so you'll have to make do with the game clips it records automatically and uploads. If you check out my profile on Live you should be able to watch some of them and get a feel for the game. My XBL handle is just Gabe and I think if you follow me you can watch my clips? Maybe? I honestly have no idea how it works.


By Gabe – December 21, 2013

Tycho was right. Dungeon of the Endless is something special! I can't believe how cool it is for a game that's not even close to being done! You can grab it on Steam early access right now and I recommend you do just that.


By Tycho – December 20, 2013

I've got heaps of boardgames I've Kickstarted, and I mean heaps. It's fucking sick, and not sick like a 180 Kickflip Psychonator off the top deck. It's sick like I should probably be taking some kind of medicine to tamp it down. Additional medicines, I should say.


I had no idea

By Gabe – December 20, 2013

I play Killzone: Shadow Fall multiplayer every night. I love it. Maybe you do the same thing I do when you really get into a game? I hit up all the forums for it just because I can’t seem to absorb enough information about it. I checked out the Shadow Fall forums and saw that people tend to be pretty upset with it. There are apparently frame rate issues, they have “ruined the sniper class”, the SP is “mediocre at best”, it’s simply “wretched” and I guess almost no one is playing it online.

Requiem For A Stream

By Gabe – December 18, 2013

I’ve been having a ton of fun streaming my Playstation gaming via Twitch. It’s fun chatting with you guys while I play and it’s quickly turning into one of my favorite features of the PS4. Usually I’ll drop the Twitch stream in here on the front page just before I start gaming and I end up with three or four hundred folks hanging out in the chat. I’ve had a few requests to archive the streams but that’s not currently available. From what I understand it's a feature that Twitch is planning on adding to the PS4 streams in the future.


Scarves! (Scarfs?) And Shipping Stuff

By Tycho – December 18, 2013

Today is the last day for what Brian calls "USPS Priority Mail (Domestic) Shipping," after which you're going through UPS and shit gets progressively more brutal cost-wise. But! We just got our scarves in, and by leveraging the Top Secret, impossible to decrypt code "w1nterscarf" you may secure an additional twenty percent off, regardless of the season you actually wear the aforementioned scarf in. Behold!


By Tycho – December 18, 2013

I thought there was a lot to like about Frozen; I could probably talk about it for a long time. The comic isn't about that, though - it's about the Match 3 Puzzler brand extension that Gabriel somehow became ensnared in, and cannot escape, and how it culminated in a kind of spirit quest which I sincerely doubt is even possible. Having played some Angry Birds Go(!), and seen its stupid energy thing which similarly punishes interest when said interest is not coupled with direct investment, I understand what he means. The takeaway is that regardless what type of game it is in some specific case, "free to play" must be considered the "genre." It reliably warps mechanics to such an extent that it probably offers more stability for the taxonomist.

Stream a little Stream

By Gabe – December 17, 2013

Gonna play some Killzone Shadow Fall multiplayer tonight and I'll go ahead and stream. You will be able to watch right here and even join in on the chat.

I'm sorry about Tycho

By Gabe – December 16, 2013

So I had to look up “concomitant” while reading Tycho’s post. I was sort of surprised by how specific the definition was.


Relative Wisdom

By Tycho – December 16, 2013

We just started having this conversation at one point last week, about different aromatic resins or whatever, and it seemed like we had to make it a thing. There's a ton of iconography we weren't really aware of, even though we've seen representations of this event all our lives. Also, Melchior is a pretty hardass name, sounds like a real motherfucker. Gotta work that into something, even if I'd be coming to that particular party pretty late.

killzone: Snow Fall

By Gabe – December 14, 2013

I was listening to Christmas music this afternoon and doodling on my Surface. Yes I am a little obsessed with Killzone: Shadow Fall.

Last Day To Ship Express Mail International, USPS First Class, USPS Standard

By Tycho – December 13, 2013

Brian tells me orders of this kind will get in just under the wire, so please take advantage if you haven't already. The main bit is that it's the last day for International Orders to get there by Christmas. The rest of the cut-off dates for shipping are available at the top of the store. Holiday Rewards of various kinds are also described there. There are also rumors out there, dogged rumors, of secret gifts being secreted in some orders!