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By Tycho – May 10, 2013

It's quite true: we did call a man a bad name for his brutally effective shenanigans in the World of Warcraft card game. That was before we knew who he was, before we entrusted him with a few of our own games.


By Gabe – May 9, 2013

It's Thursday and I've got a new Gabeart for you. Here's the 8x version:

The DLC Podcast

By Gabe – May 8, 2013

No joke, we get asked at every single PAX Q&A when we will bring back the old DLC podcast. We thought for a while that the PATV series (specifically the 4th panel episodes) would take the place of the podcast but that hasn't been the case.

The Rules

By Tycho – May 8, 2013

There are boardgames for Angry Birds, more than one actually, so I wasn't too surprised when Gabriel mentioned that there was one for Bejeweled. Believe it or not, there are people who manage to play Bejeweled in a strategic way. I played those games in a manner designed to let my brain sleep, so that's not me. I guess I sorta got there with Puzzle Quest, especially in multiplayer; Puzzle Quest is basically Bejeweled with a helm on, right?


Strip Search

By Gabe – May 7, 2013

It's a new Strip Search! Enjoy:

Kids and games

By Gabe – May 6, 2013

I’ve gone into my son’s school to teach cartooning since he was in Kindergarten. He’s in second grade now and it’s still something I look forward to every year. I really love working with kids and teaching art. It usually ends up making for some good Penny Arcade comics too.

The Young

By Tycho – May 6, 2013

Gabe went to teach cartooning again at his son's school, something young people no doubt crave. Spending time with them is always interesting, because on very rare occasion you will hear what they are actually like.


Strip Search!

By Gabe – May 3, 2013

Today’s Strip Search elimination is intense!


By Tycho – May 3, 2013

Steam can only, only be considered incredibly dangerous.


By Gabe – May 2, 2013

You can now watch me draw Monday's comic strip!

Strip Search!

By Gabe – May 1, 2013

The Strip Search is up, check it out!



By Tycho – May 1, 2013

My objective, generally speaking, is to disappear; my profession is as much a mystery to me as it is to anyone else. I've standardized my mode of dress down to eight identical shirts and two pairs of pants. I also have one "nice" shirt, but don't get excited. It's not especially nice. And since I wear it every time an event passes a certain dress threshold, its workhorse plaid never quite honors the occasion.

Rayman Legends

By Gabe – April 29, 2013

Wii U owners were pretty disappointed when Ubisoft announced that they were pushing Rayman Legends back into September. It was originally scheduled to hit the Wii U back in February but Ubi decided to hold it back until they could release it for all three systems at the same time. I understand the logic. One marketing budget and distribution on systems that actually have a decent install base. It still sucked for Wii U owners like myself who had played the hell out of the demo and were excited for the full game.

Everybody Loves Rayman

By Tycho – April 29, 2013

"Rayman Legends Challenges App" is a mouthful. It's not an aerodynamic moniker - let's just be up-front about that. But as a consolation prize for Rayman's delayed release, it's entirely possible that you may find yourself consoled.

Strip Search!

By Gabe – April 26, 2013

No one crying, no one getting kicked out, just the artists hanging out together and having fun.