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Child's Play Tournament Results

By Gabe – May 22, 2013

So before the tournament we let everyone place side bets on who among the PA staff would have the best score. All the money went right to Child's Play and those who backed the right horse so to speak would get their names posted on the site. Well I am sad to say that Robert Khoo and his team took the honors with a score of -4. My team played hard but we only managed a -1. So here are the names of Robert's supporters:

MS stuff

By Gabe – May 22, 2013

I was at the Xbox One reveal yesterday morning and overall I found it pretty disappointing. I feel like I wasn’t the target demographic for the presentation. I like to watch TV but what I like more is playing video games. I don’t care about sports games and EA has taught me over the years not to believe any of their pre-release bullshot videos. I also hate the Kinect. Every time I try to use it for playing a game or navigating the Xbox, the result is unreliable and frustrating. I like Call of Duty but their high resolution, motion captured dog and hyper intelligent fish didn't get me too excited. The box itself looks cool in a retro sort of way and I dig the new controller but I need to see some games. I guess that will have to wait until E3.


By Tycho – May 22, 2013

With Gabriel's adoption of the Surface Pro (and thus, a gaming capable PC) as a lifestyle totem, we have penetrated so far into weirdo territory that I will hear beepboops of unknown provenance over there and wonder where they're from. We played Sanctum back in "the day," liked it, and then interred it for some reason I don't entirely recall. I knew the sequel was coming out, and I was gonna say we should play it, but he beat me to it. Get your head around that shit.

Srip Search!

By Gabe – May 21, 2013

Time for another episode of the number one webcomic reality show on Penny Arcade, Strip Search!


The Shame Hole

By Tycho – May 20, 2013

What I actually said was "Yes Jamie, Thank You Jamie," but that comic sucks. This comic improves substantially on reality.

Video Content

By Gabe – May 17, 2013

We had some technical difficulties this week and the result was that a couple of our shows ended up being late. I apologize for the mess up.

Increasingly Damn Late

By Tycho – May 17, 2013

"Too Damn Late," like Strips Which Include Div, is a specifically Gabriel form. I relent when we are exposed to a glut of news which might individually make for thin gruel, but leveraged in this context are appropriate. The cadence is also fun to model. Anyway, the stars were right.

CP Golf Tournament

By Gabe – May 16, 2013

The Child’s Play invitational golf tournament is coming up next Monday and we have cooked up a sort of home game. You can hit up the Child’s Play site and place a little side bet on your favorite Penny Arcader. All the money we raise will go directly to Child’s Play. The winning team will get bragging rights and all of their supporters will be listed on the Penny Arcade site.


Next Stretch Goal: Rewards From MC Frontalot And Paul & Storm

By Tycho – May 15, 2013

Longtime friends of the site have collaborated on goodies for backers. When we hit the next goal, MC Frontalot's twenty track "Favoritism" LP will be joined by Paul & Storm's "Do You Like Star Wars" and the "Learning Town Soundtrack" on the flashdrive you get at the $55 dollar pledge. That little flashdrive is starting to get pretty plump, kid.

Randy Pitchford At PAXDEV

By Tycho – May 15, 2013

Robert asked me to mention that Randy Pitchford was handling the Kickoff Session for PAX Dev. I have done so! Now, I don't know what I should do next. I don't really have a plan, and frankly, it scares me.


By Tycho – May 15, 2013

I am surprised virtually on a daily basis to find that my memories are all my memories.

Strip Search!

By Gabe – May 14, 2013

Another elimination episode and this one is pretty crazy.


Monaco Prints

By Gabe – May 13, 2013

I love Monaco. I love the game play, I love the music, I love the art. I love it all. For fun I started doodling the characters just as sort of a fun drawing game. I wanted to take the little pixel people from the game and try fleshing them out into full blown cartoon characters. At first it was just something I was doing for fun but we reached out to Monaco creator Andy Schatz with the idea of selling them as prints. He liked the cartoons and so we teamed up to make Penny Arcade your official source for Monaco merchandise. We'll start with a set of prints based on my designs but we've got ideas for all sorts of other cool stuff.

DLC Podcast Update

By Gabe – May 13, 2013

The DLC Podcast Kickstarter is doing incredibly well. We’re nearing our last stretch goal with 18 days left to go. Already we have “unlocked” some cool stuff.


By Tycho – May 13, 2013

I tried unsuccessfully, all weekend, to come up with a way of saying "we are in a golden age of electronic gaming" without sounding dumb. I eventually gave up, for two reasons. One, if I'm saying what I believe, I don't care what people think of it. And two, it's true, which is always a good reason to say something.

Penny Arcade Stuff

By Gabe – May 10, 2013

Today is Friday so there’s a new Strip Search to watch.