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Emulator, Part One

By Tycho – April 10, 2013

Gabriel's son, also a Gabriel, has taken on the task of creating his own roleplaying game. That seemed like something we should catalog, and we have begun to do so. It's currently six strips, and it looks to stay there. I have a lot to say about it.

That's Not Funny

By Gabe – April 8, 2013

I’m not the crazy Kickstarter that Tycho is. He kicks something new every day. I told him I just don’t have the patience to invest in something cool and then wait months or even a year for it to be real. In fact I’ve only ever kicked two things in my life. The first was 13th Age which I think is an incredibly cool new RPG setting. The second I just donated to this weekend. It’s a documentary called “that’s not funny”.


By Tycho – April 8, 2013

It is amazing how long and how energetically we can discuss the unknown. If I were feeling philosophical, and this almost never happens, I would wonder aloud about how fundamentally human that is. The raw energy we dump into the unshaped void. The strange fish that return with us, home.

Strip Search!

By Gabe – April 5, 2013

The latest Strip Search episode is up and once again we get to see the artists doing what they do best, making art!



By Tycho – April 5, 2013

Because their shit tends not to work at launch, and because by the time it does work I'm typically enamored of some kind of free to play browser strategy nonsense, I stopped picking up most EA titles new. Gabriel won't be without golf titles though, his allegiance to the courses of his youth demands it, and he has rededicated himself to the sport. So.


By Gabe – April 4, 2013

When we did our Kickstarter last year we thought it would be funny to include a few joke backer rewards. One of them we decided to pull right from this Penny Arcade strip about Kickstarting things. The reward was that I would shout your name while chasing a duck. I want to reiterate that this was a JOKE and we did not think people would actually expect me to do it.

Strip Search!

By Gabe – April 3, 2013

Today’s Strip Search episode is pretty powerful I think. Tycho and I have a policy here at Penny Arcade. It’s to show you everything. Even when it’s embarrassing, or makes us look bad. We share it all with you guys through the comics and everything else we do. Well it doesn't get much more “real” than this episode of Strip Search.


By Tycho – April 3, 2013

I asked Gabriel if the Luigi's Mansion that just came out for the DS had a multiplayer mode, and he didn't know. I certainly hadn't read anything to that effect, but games for the original DS had a way of hiding fascinating multiplayer gameplay experiments on the cartridge somewhere for play from a single card. The next day, he came back with news: it did have multiplayer. Good multiplayer, in fact. Even if describing how to play it is just inherently profane.


Monster Hunting

By Gabe – April 1, 2013

I picked up Monster Hunter for the Wii U and for the 3DS in the hopes that I would finally get into this series. I tried the Wii U version first and got bored pretty much immediately. I clicked through a bunch of tiny text boxes and then got sent out to kill what amounted to a prehistoric cow. I beat on this thing for a while and then got a quest to go kill a couple more monsters. If a game doesn't capture my interest within the first 30 minutes to an hour I’ll usually never play it again. I realize this has probably kept me from enjoying some great games but the reality is I have no shortage of fun games to play right now.

How To Turn Time Into Bones

By Tycho – April 1, 2013

I have gone into what makes Doctor Who simultaneously so Doctor and so inexpressibly Who before. We have family in town for whom The Doctor and his Blue Box are borderline offensive nonsense, so I haven't seen the new episode yet. But I have, kinda. Right? Regardless of the content of this particular extradimensional excursion, its rod and its staff, they comfort me.

Strip Search!

By Gabe – March 29, 2013

Today’s Strip Search episode is a real doozy. This challenge was about dealing with fans/trolls on Twitter and we brought in guest judge Scott Kurtz to critique the artists on their social media skills.

La Fille Et L'Oiseau

By Tycho – March 29, 2013

Because of the way our kind experiences time, doing what you want to when you want to can be a complex undertaking. For example, I am writing a newspost right now when what's really needed is for me to play Bioshock Infinite for a super long time.


PAX East and pin trading

By Gabe – March 27, 2013

Wow what a weekend. PAX was a crazy big success again, thanks to everyone who came out and made it so awesome. One of my favorite things this year was seeing the incredible response to our new Pinny Arcade pin trading. I can’t even count how many pins I gave out but it had to have been in the thousands. By Sunday we were sold out of pins at the merch booth and it was awesome to see all the trading going on at the show. Not only did you guys seem to really love the pins but the exhibitors did as well. After seeing how popular it was we had so many companies come to us and ask about making pins not just for PAX Australia and PAX prime but for other conventions like E3 and comic con. We even had publishers asking about putting special Pinny Arcade pins in collectors editions of their upcoming games. I am so excited to watch this thing grow!


By Tycho – March 27, 2013

We are bullish on Lego City Undercover, which looked like it was basically gonna be GTA minus the G and the T, which is basically true. It's also incredibly silly in that Disney Pixar sorta way, in that it fights a Two Front War against children and their parents with physical humor and references that aren't meant for every member of the intended audience.

Make A Strip Panel: Strip Search Challenge

By Tycho – March 25, 2013

In the very first Elimination episode of Strip Search, I ask my co-conspirator Gabriel if we are even capable of performing in the way we ask contestants to during the challenge. I asked it partially because I thought it might be a good line, which you might be able to triangulate from my wholly manufactured "high gravitas" tone, but also as a real question, because the methods we use to determine who is best - when hiring, or for the show - are incredibly intimidating. And I can tell you, just from my own perspective, it's very strange when you build a company staffed by such competent people that you probably couldn't get hired there.

Watch PAX at home!

By Gabe – March 22, 2013

Want to watch all the cool stuff happening at PAX East this weekend but can’t make it to the show? Well Twitch has you covered. They will be streaming tons of great content from the show all tree days. You can find all the details right here.